
How do I decide which features to implement?

I am considering resurrecting an old hobby project of mine, but since my time is limited I am having trouble deciding how to proceed. I already have an extensive backlog of bugs and feature requests that I probably should be doing, but on the other hand there is also a big need for some serious refactoring to make up for old sins. Initi...

When should you release a hobby project publicly?

In regards to hobby projects, at what point do you consider it to be mature enough to release the first version to the general public? Do you wait until you have all of the features implemented, or do you release it once you have solid functionality and keep working on it? Also, what are some of the differences between releasing a hobby...

Review of documentation and technical articles?

After reading about code reviews on the web I started to wonder, are there any sites or communities out there that provide reviews of documentation and technical articles? When working as the only author on a (hobby/open source) project or a (blog) article, I often wish I had someone to read over my work and provide some feedback. This...

implimenting refactoring setup as one-man team (PHP project)?

Hi folks, I had a web-based application outsourced (all PHP with jQuery and some other scripts and ajax). Now I am finished with the provider, and I'm slowly learning php and I'm wanting to begin refactoring this application so I can begin to more deeply understand it, and then begin adding more of the features I'm needing. I have seen...

You're a one man development team, someone asks you what resources you need. What do you ask for?

Being a young, inexperienced developer doing one man development work for a client, I thought I'd just need my laptop and a development environment when asked if I needed anything. Flash forward to some testing later on and I realize I need to test my software on operating systems I do not have access to. So now I know to ask about that...