
openfire smack sending packet 404 error means?

when sending packet to openfire using Smack, i get error remote-server-not-found(404) . Can anyone please explain what does thet error means? it mean fail to connect to server or the packet has problem? PacketFilter responseFilter = new PacketIDFilter(packet.getPacketID()); PacketCollector response = connection.createP...

openfire smack pubsub

1.i published a content to a node then use "spark" try to retrieve the message. in spark, i suppose to add user "admin@userx" right? i cannot get any message. below message showed, i sucessfully published the content to 'thenode' <iq id="ySmn5-0" to="userx/3f3ae10c" type="result"><bind xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind"><jid>a...

pubsub publish to node success, retrieve from node fail

Below showed i suggest published to node call "ghost2" iq id="kB8dk-0" to="computer/2c10ee6b" type="result"><bind xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind"><jid>admin@computer/Smack</jid></bind></iq> <iq id="kB8dk-1" to="admin@computer/Smack" type="result"></iq> <iq id="kB8dk-2" to="admin@computer/Smack" type="result"><query xmlns="jabbe...

xmpp pubsub understanding

The subscriber will only receive content from the moment he is subscripting to a node and all old content published by publisher will not be received by subscriber. Is this correct? May i know, what do i need to do in order for subscriber to receive all previous old content ? ...

openfire monitor stanza xml message

inside openfire admin control panel page, is there any plugin i can use to monitor xml stanza . i know able to monitor it from smack client side, but i want to see it directly from server size, then my client do not need to run in debug mode ...

best way to analyze xml stanza from xmpp

i get stream of xml stanza from log. i want to understand the flow , currently what i can think of is get the spec from protocol and try to understanding each line. Is there any best prastice do you folks do to understand the xml stream? any easier way? ...

understanding the term "extension" ,"component" and "plugin" in xmpp?

can anyone explain the different "extension" ,"component" and "plugin" in xmpp? ...

XMPP programming use erlang or java?

I'm interested to hear feedback from a guru out there. If you are a java programmer, I'm sure you are familiar with openfire, while erlang programmers are familiar with ejabber. Which project has bigger community when doing programming in XMPP? ...

Best practice on using GAE with external jabber server?

How to use Java GAE with an external jabber server like Openfire? Any guide? ...

implementing GAE XMPP service as an external component to an existing XMPP server (e.g. ejabberd or OpenFire)

may i know what integration technique that you folks use to implement external component to an existing XMPP server (e.g. ejabberd or OpenFire) . Is it through sending xmpp message to another user@externaldomain directly or using mechanism like urlfetch? ...

can client of the xmpp server disconnect other client from the server?

It this possible? How? (Maybe silly question, but I couldn't find answer :( ) EDIT:I am using Openfire server embedded into different system, so I need if admin of the system kicks out the user from the system server, user's connection to Openfire server should be closed too. ...

XMPP chat sent/received message synchronization

Hi, Scenario: I am trying to develop a web site which features a chat widget. I am using ASP.NET, C#, agsXMPP library as my tools in achieving this purpose. I use Openfire jabber server for XMPP server. Problem: When I access the widget on the website and start chatting, I send a message with message type "chat" and thread set. I recei...

Openfire pubsub#collection (multiple parents implemented?)

I've been checking out OpenFire recently and am now trying to ascertain whether I can make a pubsub node with multiple collection nodes as parents. It would be very handy for the architecture I have in mind. Unfortunately, while the XEPs make it very clear this should be possible for an appropriate hierarchy of nodes, I can't tell whic...

Openfire - Groups not updated on Roster from Database using custom DB

Hi, I made this question over at the Openfire groups, but it seems to be pretty quiet out there. Maybe someone here at SO works with Xiff/Openfire and has a clue about this: We are using an external database for users and groups, on Openfire 3.6.4 through Xiff 3.0 beta with our own client. When a user is added on our database, the rost...

Unable to get presence of roster by using smack, openfire

Hi all, I am new to smack API. I am trying to develop a chat application where I was trying for setting and getting the presence. When I change the presence of a user, its working perfectly fine and it is getting reflected in the Openfire Server. But when I tries to get the Presence of a user, I am always getting the status as 'unavai...

How to let Clients know about new HostedRoom in Smack?

I am working with Openfire and Smack, currently creating new system MultiUserChat rooms. How I tell clients that new system room had been created(deleted) on the server? (I need clients to modify their's Rosters) ...

Openfire fastpath chat causing site to load slowly

We are adding openfire fastpath chat to our site. It will determine and indicate when live chat is available or not and display an appropriate image to indicate the current status and links for each state. The javascript call hit's a function that is on another box and this function uses document.write to output the html to the page....

seeking basic understanding of implementing Xmpp in PHP applications --

I am new to xmpp and need to understand its basics for integrating it with my php application. I have set up Openfire server and want to use my preexisting mysql database to get the users. So as per the docs, i modified Openfires config xml file to add the database Auth and User settings. Also the Xmpphp lib seems to be the right lib...

It seems the mode rewrite in .htaccess apache is not working

I am trying to run iJab with Openfire server which requires me to redirect the /http-bind request to localhost:7070/http-bind. I copied the iJAb folder into my document root and wrote the following code inside .htaccess file within the directory AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 Options +FollowSymLinks Options +Indexes Options +...

XMPP server-to-server - traffic optimization?

I'm working on a design for a xmpp chat solution which involves some servers and where at least one server is connected with serious bandwidth limitations. Assuming, we have two servers A and B, some users 0..n connected to Server A and some conferences 0..m provided by Server B. Now assume, some users enter a conference room and a mes...