
3rd party website authentication libraries (like openid)

I'm building a website that will require user registration and logon. I would like to use the facebook connect to let people create a basic account and to log on without having to create a local account themselves - and let them fill in more profile details when they want to. What other 3rd party authorizations systems are there? Clear...

Friendly name from Google using OpenID?

When I play ping-pong with the Google OpenID provider, I can't get a friendly name/nickname/username (whatever you want to call it). I get something atrocious looking like the following: instead of something nice like JohnDoe What's the protocol for getting ...

Why does Net::OpenID::Consumer fail when trying to grab Google's OpenID discovery endpoint?

I'm implementing OpenID support for a public website. Yahoo and Verisign openid authentication currently works fine. However, I cannot seem to connect to Google's endpoint. Below is the code: Usual initialization and stuff... my $csr = Net::OpenID::Consumer->new( ua => LWP::UserAgent->new(), consumer_sec...

openid consumer for gwt

Anyone have or know of a java implementation of an openid relying party(consumer) for gwt/gae? openid4java and joid bring in too much baggage for my needs. ...

What are the advantages to the OpenID OAuth Extension over OAuth?

Why use the proposed OpenID OAuth Extension over another OAuth-based protocol? Discovery doesn't seem to be a feature. Although the consumer only needs a claimed identifier to start the authentication process, any authorization will still require that the consumer knows the access token URL, signature methods, and have a shared key/secr...

How can I ensure my website always opens as and not - this messed up my Google OpenID logins?

Hi guys, my website has a log in by open id feature. When a user logs in for the first time using his/ her openid they are redirected to a create account page. I noticed just recently that one user when logged in using her google account created an account for the first time. However when she tried to log in again using the same google a...

OpenID. How do you logout.

On a website I have implemented the login using OpenID (based on StackOverflow). But I can't seem to logout. On my host I can logout but when the user tries to login again (especially with google) the authentication goes through without requiring the user to type in name and password. How can I indicate to the OpenID Provider that a us...

OpenID Logout. I just need authentication not login to OpenID Provider.

Started with this question: OK. So OpenID does not have single logout. I can see the uses but there are some situations that worry me: Single signon on is great for mobile devices and your personal computer. You sign on once and probably never need to sign out again (j...

Retrieve OpenId User Information (Claims) across providers

I'm using DotNetOpenAuth to log in as part of my login process. It works great for handling authentication but the process of retrieving user information from various openId providers is not working very well. Using MyOpenId I do get full information that I request using a ClaimsRequest with DotNetOpenAuth. It apparently uses the SREG p...

Why isn't information about the openID user coming through the protocol?

I am using DotNetOpenAuth to integrate openID in our web application. The code below requests the information to the provider. try { var req = openid.CreateRequest(Request.Form["openid_identifier"]); req.AddExtension(new DotNetOpenAuth.OpenId.Extensions.SimpleRegistration.ClaimsRequest { Email = DotNetOpenAuth.OpenId.Extensi...

Adding thoughtbot's open_id_authentication to thoughtbot's clearance

I am working on an application that is currently using thoughtbot's clearance as its authentication piece. I want to add openID to this application and know that thoughtbot has an open_id_authentication plugin. Does anyone know how easy it is to go about doing this or if there is a tutorial or anything somewhere? ...

Maximum time allowed to complete authentication has been exceeded

I am using DotNetOpenAuth to authenticate an app on Windows Azure. From time to time, the system is slow, and I end up with the following error message Login failed: The maximum time allowed to complete authentication has been exceeded. Please try again. Any suggestion how to increase this timeout? ...

RPX openID auth_info in java

I am using RPXnow Openid service with java but I am not getting how to call authentication url of api with token and obtain xml response returned by openid service in same calling jsp.Pls help. ...

Where do I set roles within AuthorizeServices of MVC.NET?

I don't know what I am missing, and I don't know what else to read to get it right. I will try this gray question to see if I get closer to the solution. I am building a .NET MVC application. This application is authenticating with OpenID using DotNetOpenAuth Library, all that is working ok. Once a user is authenticate I rebcord th...

How to integrate the simple openid with my site's existing logging system?

Can anyone post simple step by step integration for openid into a site which has a login system already.??? I decided to use php openid 2.1.3 but could get where to start and what to do... ...

Getting started with OpenID

I'm looking to integrate OpenID into my website, but I need a tutorial to help me get going. You can assume I have a good programming knowledge when making a recommendation :) ...

How can I get AttributeExchange and/or SimpleRegistration working with MVC?

I'm banging my head against a wall trying to get either AttributeExchange or SimpleRegistration working with the version of DotNetOpenAuth. Here is what I've done: Downloaded the tag from GitHub Opened the DotNetOpenAuth visual studio solution Made changes to the OpenIdRelyingPartyMvc sample The changes are all...

Integrating OpenID into a website's registration process

I want to integrate the same registration process that Stack Overflow has into my website. Does anyone know if this is possible and any ways I can go about doing this? I am using ASP.NET MVC for my site implementation. It would be awesome if someone could point me in the right direction with some examples etc. ...

Is MSN an OpenID provider?

Is MSN an OpenID provider? If so, do you know what the URLs look like? I'm trying to add MSN to the list of providers with special buttons I already have for logging in to a web sit. ...

google and yahoo login like stackoverflow?

Dear all, I'm researching about Single Sign On (SSO), using google,yahoo and openID account to login in my site. Some professional can tell me which is method to implement it. API OR LIBRARY to work with it. Thanks Nguyen ...