
Determining Element Below in js

I'm attempting to determine the tile that the mouse is currently hovering over in an OpenLayers map. The code that currently is written - that uses a standard Hover handler and simply sends back the event - works in Chrome but fails in Firefox, because an SVG element comes in between the tile and the mouse. I'm sure that something simila...

How to reproject a vector layer when you switch between base maps of different projections

I have OpenLayers map with two base layers: MetaCarta (EPSG:4326) and Google map (Mercator). sphericalMercator = false, units are degrees. There are also some markers, boxes, and vector data on the map. When I switch between the base layers (which are of different projections), the simple geometries (such as markers or boxes) are reproj...

How to set default view in OpenLayers, WITHOUT restricting bounds?

Based on samples, I can see that you can set a default view in OpenLayers by saying something along the lines of: var bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(-125, 25, -65, 50); var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', {restrictedExtent: bounds }); However, this also (as the name implies), restricts me to be able to ONLY navigate within these ...

add layer in extjs , openlayers

hi i am working with extjs and openlayers for trying some web application. now i want to create a coordinate bookmark which click than take this coordinate... but first of all, it must create a layer in which name is "Bookmarks"..when you click on it ita take to the this coordinate... how can add a layer in which name is "Bookmarks"...

how to get co-ordinates of vector layer line points from openlayers ?

I am not able to find out how to get lat-lon values of all the points in the drawn line in the openlayer vector layer, like this openlayer-example. please help me where to search...? ...

displaying data from a WFS (vector) layer using getFeatureInfo

Hello!! As the title says... I trying to access that data associated with a vector layer but not having any success. I get the following error: "No QUERY_LAYERS has been requested, or no queriable layer in the request anyways " I am using geoserver, openlayers and and the script shown below....'click',...

tinyows fid returned as table_name.null ?

Dear friends, i am trying to use tinyows for wfs-t in my app along with openlayers and postgis. i am using osm tables and myown tables for storing geom. tinyows working fine with osm tales, but returning table_name.(null) as fid for requested features. so i am unable to do wfs-t on my tables. How to solve this error, where is my mistake...

[webGis] Dynamic MapServer on OpenLayers

Hi all, I'm struggling with a peculiar set up: we have a WMS layer in OpenLayers (within a GeoExt web interface) invoking a MapServer string (e.g. http://mydomain/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe? Now we need to split the dataset into several layers. We tried by instanciating n separate WMS layers and it's way too...

Disambiguate overlapping lines in SQL Server spatial or OpenLayers?

I have records in a table representing bus routes, with SQL Server spatial columns for the actual route geometry. (They're stored in a Geography column type.) I use OpenLayers to display these bus routes on top of an OpenStreetMap layer. In instances where the bus routes overlap, currently you cannot see anything but the top route. I'v...

I want to edit corresponding postgresql data of a vector from openlayers- how to do it?

hi Friends, I want to edit the corresponding text/numeric data type columns of a vector through openlayres, when a user click/mouse over a vector. like, any tutorial page for how to do it? I gone through it , it was difficult for me to understand from its js codes. -posted in gis.stackexch...

OpenLayers: disable zooming on double-click

OpenLayers, by default, zooms in when a user double clicks a map. What is the best way to disable this behavior? ...

JavaScript - How to make an array that contains objects by reference?

Hi, I'm using JavaScript Mapping Library - OpenLayer to create a markers overlay. I want to control the markers dynamically: add new ones and remove existing markers from the layer. the way to add a new marker to the layer is by the command: markers.addMarker(new OpenLayers.Marker(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0,0),icon)); as you can see, t...

OpenLayers problem with marker icons

I'm creating OSM map in my web site and adding some markers with openlayer.. My problem is that I allways get the same icon for marker.. <script type="text/javascript"> var map = new OpenLayers.Map("heatMap"); var mapnik = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM(); map.addLayer(mapnik); map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(-4.05759429879...

how to get coordinates of a polygon in OpenLayers

I have been looking for how to determine coordinates of the points which consist a polygon(feature) in OpenLayers. Let's say I have created a polygon like the one in this example. I need to know the points which consist the polygon, so I can save them somewhere. I bet it is an easy one. I just couldn't find anything, probably I don't k...

Routing problem w.r.t images when using Open Layers in Rails

I'm using Open Layers to display Google Maps. When the map is displayed as a sub-part of the website, as in, 'localhost/geofences/new' , The images are being attempted to be located within the 'geofences' directory instead of loading the images from the document root and hence the images are not being rendered. Is there a solution? If n...

OpenLayers Format JSON is Returning Empty responseText String

Hello StackOverflow, After a week of posting at the OpenLayers forum and not receiving responses to my questions, I have decided to look here. I have Googled and Googled and Googled and even found a wonderful tutorial concerning this topic, in Spanish, but so well written that Google translate was able to translate it perfectly. gis...

openlayers drupal missing site building module

I don't have http://xxx/admin/build/openlayers/layers/ in my Acquia-drupal installation acquia-drupal-win-1.2.30-5322.19124 Is there anything I can do to have the openlayers inside the Site-building section of drupal ? currently I can only configure stuffs in http://xxx/admin/settings/openlayers (site configuration). Does this have som...

Custom Tile Layer Problem

Hi,I'm currently implementing logic on custom tile layers via OpenLayers function getTiles() { var res =; var x = Math.round((bounds.left - this.maxExtent.left) / (res * this.tileSize.w)); var y = Math.round(( - / (res * this.tileSize.h)); var z =;...

Openlayers commericial application: licensing issues?

I am planning on creating a commercial fleet/asset tracking web app, but got discouraged when I found our about the high price Google and Microsoft charge to use their services in a commercial setting. I found Openlayers, and it claims to be free, so I am wondering if anyone has had experience using it commercially? I looks like the us...

Coordinates conversion

Hi, I am working over a small component for a web portal that show polygons over a map, using OpenLayers, Google Maps, and another proprietary source . The user has the points in PSAD56 (UTM) datum and I need to change it to WGS84 in order to use with Google Maps. I have at hand both Oracle 9i without spatial extensions and postgis....