
OpenSound Control (OSC) documentation

Do you know any good (starting) tutorial or documentation about OSC? ...

I have an embedded project idea that i want to start. I have many questions.

This is my first post on stackoverflow, I've heard of this website and I think its awesome! Let's see if i can get some guidance on how to start my project. The Idea: Basically I want to build my own custom OSC controller (OSC is a protocol based off UDP with the intention of replacing MIDI). What's interesting about this is that I want...

Debugging Supercollider OSCresponderNode

Anyone have an idea how to debug supercollider's OSCresponderNode? I'm trying to catch messages from another program with this : o = OSCresponderNode(nil, '/note', { arg t, r, msg; t.postln; r.postln; msg.postln; Synth( "guru2", [\mfreq, msg[1]]); }).add; However, when I fire messages at it, supercollider is just giving me FAILURE...