
In WCF web programming model, how can one write a operation contract with an array of query string parameters (i.e. with the same name)?

Using WCF Web Programming model one can specify an operation contract like so ... [OperationContract] [WebGet(ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Xml,         UriTemplate = "SomeRequest?qs1={qs1}&qs2={qs2}")] XElement SomeRequest1(string qs1, string qs2); Now if we had to make a contract that acce...

Is it necesary for me to write [OperationContract] over every method in my WCF Service?

For example, is this correct? [OperationContract] bool IsHappy(string userID); bool IsSad(string userID); bool IsHungry(string userID); Is that a valid body of operations for a WCF ServiceContract or do I have to do it this way: [OperationContract] bool IsHappy(string userID); [OperationContract] bool IsSad(string userID); [Operati...