
Using a mouse scroll wheel on a Motif option menu

I have a Motif XmRowColumn set up as an option menu (XmMENU_OPTION). When you scroll the mouse wheel while over the opened list of options, the button your cursor is over is chosen and the list closes. I need to be able to use the mouse scroll wheel on the opened list of options: the selected option changes (like using the up and down ...

Android: How can I set a listener to the MenuButton?

I want to do a custom action when pressing on the Menu button on the phone. Is it possible to set an onClickListener (or similar) on the button and if so, how? onCreateOptionsMenu is only called the first time the button is pressed - I've already tried this. ...

android: any tutorials on creating menus for apps?

I need a very simple menu which probably contains only one or two items: settings/options, where pressing one of them should show some customer defined parameters (is it called dialog), e.g., number of results shown. Is there any good tutorial on creating such kind of menus? I've looked at the "notepad" example in android, it doesn't rea...

Two Tkinter option menu questions

I have the following Tkinter option menu and have two questions.First, how do I change the background color of the selected option in the popupmenu? Secondly, how do I add separators to this menu? Snippet: TL.selectedP = Tkinter.StringVar() TL.opt1 = Tkinter.OptionMenu(TL.separator1, TL.selectedP,'Normal', 'White','Black', 'Bl...

What is the difference between Option Menu and Panel Menu in Android?

I just created a Panel Menu by mistake with the auto-completion of Eclipse and did not realise it before I read my code. As I wanted to have an option menu, I didn't see the slight difference in the display so does anyone know what the difference(s) is/are between these 2 menus? Is there any advantage or drawback for using one or the oth...