
jQuery UI, detect if options have been entered?

does any one know how to check if the called ui (custom) has also options inputed or using the defaults? for example: $('#selector').myUI();//does not have options. $('#selector').myUI({option:'foo',{op:'bar'}});//ui has options. $('#selector').myUI('value');//ui has options. so if i was on: (function($) { $.widget("ui.myUI", { o...

how do I disable options based on the previous selection?

I have three drop-down menus for each sample shirt; product, colour and grade. Not all products are available in all colours and/or grades. I would like to disable the options that are not available based on the users selection. I've tried using this answer here (using a radio select). Unfortunately, I can't get it to work with an opt...

$_POST Returns empty for multiple select box

Ok, I am filling up my multiple select box with options from another select box via javascript like so: function addAction() { var actions = document.getElementById("actions"); var action_list = document.getElementById("actions_list"); var opt = document.createElement("option"); for (var i=0; i<action_list.options.length...

plupload with webpy.

Hi, i have a problem. I want to upload a file with plupload with the HML5 runtime. This is my html/js code : jQuery(function(){ jQuery("#uploader").pluploadQueue({ // General settings runtimes : 'html5', name : 'file', url : 'http://server.name/addContent', max_file_size : '${maxSize}$_("...

How to write custom data to the TCP packet header options field with Java?

As it is defined (see: http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/Course/Section4/8.htm) the TCP header has an 'Options' field. There are a couple of options already defined (see: www.iana.org/assignments/tcp-parameters/) but I want to come up with my very own. (For experimenting/research.) How can I get Java to write (and then read) some custom dat...

Using fopen and str_replace to auto fill a select option

Hi Everyone, I have this file 'gardens.php', which pulls data from a table called 'generalinfo' and I use fopen to send that data to a file called 'index.html'. Here is the issue, only one option is filled. I have a demo running here Garden Demo <-- this is a new updated page and location, there are more errors than I have locally If an...

More GCC link time issues: undefined reference to main

Hi Guys, I'm writing software for a Cortex-A8 processor and I have to write some ARM assembly code to access specific registers. I'm making use of the gnu compilers and related tool chains, these tools are installed on the processor board(Freescale i.MX515) with Ubuntu. I make a connection to it from my host PC(Windows) using WinS...

tomcat jvm options

Hi, I'm looking for a list of the common JVM options, specially for the apache tomcat container. Thank you, best regards Alex ...

Import orders file on magento enterprise or community (product with customs options)

Hello, We need to import some orders file on magento enterprise. In our file, products contains customs Options. We tried to make an extension but we have some problems to import Customs options. The import of standard product is successful but not for the product with customs options. For customs option, missing "info_buyRequest" val...

How do you assign the value of a parameter to a variable in UNIX?

#!/bin/bash if [ ! $1 ] then echo "no param" else set FAV_COLOR=$1 echo "My fav color is ${FAV_COLOR}" fi This is not working how i expected: >favcol.sh blue My fav color is FAV_COLOR=blue any thoughts? ...

JavaScript Price calculator script similar to this.

Does anybody know a script that is similar to this: http://simplythebest.net/scripts/DHTML_scripts/javascripts/javascript_49.html but only not with input fields, but with options, Yes / No. ...

Someone knows a good File System API?

I need options for API's that handle file systems. I know Dokan, do you know others? ...

I would like to have a persistent options menu.

I am looking for a way to have the options menu persist on screen after the menu button press until the menu is dismissed by one of the menu choices. ...

How do I use Some/None Options in this F# example?

I am new to F# and I have this code: if s.Contains("-") then let x,y = match s.Split [|'-'|] with | [|a;b|] -> int a, int b | _ -> 0,0 Notice that we validate that there is a '-' in the string before we split the string, so the match is really unnecessary. Can I rewrite this with Options? I changed this code, i...

wordpress backend: retrict post tags to site tags only

In the post screen, I want to remove the option of multi-authors being able to 'free tag' their posts. In other words, only allow tags that have been preset in the admin tags section.(these tags are of course visible in the tag cloud in posts screen) The concept is to prevent authors introducing random tags in their posts, leading to dup...

How can i get the selected option name or id of a select element using jQuery

Hi All, i have a "questionairre" that is made up of a series of select boxes. i need to use two properties in the options. For each selected option i need the value (which i know how to get and is working fine) but i also need to store an additional value which represents the id of the specific option in a DB. One solution would be to ...

Facebook Connect PHP SDK Curl Peer SSL Verification Error

I'm integrating Facebook Connect into our application. I thought using Facebook Official SDK at http://github.com/facebook/php-sdk is the best way, as it is advertised on FB Developers wiki. But I couldn't manage to make it work. When investigating the API code, I remembered my previous experiences about CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER parameter...

How to add VM options to jar?

I need to add -Djava.security.policy=myPolicyFile so that my RMI jar would work. Or is there some other way to make that run? ...

Android question. If i create an Options menu with menu.xml, can I change the menu buttons' text size, color etc using xml?

Android question. If i create an Options menu with menu.xml, can I change the menu buttons' standard text size, color etc using xml? I would like to change text size, bold, and color. I would like to avoid using themes and styles for this application. Thank you for reading my question. ...

How can I download options data from yahoo using Perl?

I am trying to get yahoo options data into mysql using perl. I found modules to download stock prices, but not options data. Anyone know what would be the easiest way to do that? If I have to roll my own, what modules should I use? Thanks, CP ...