
Do any OR Mappers provide Asynchronous Methods?

Do any .Net O/R (object/Relational) Mappers provide Asynchronous methods out of the box? I don't want to have to write the boiler plate for the asynchronous method if possible I have rolled my own DAL with Asynchronous methods using the CCR framework. The CCR basically demands that I don't block any of it's threads waiting for IO respo...

ORM for Compact Framework 3.5 winforms app with external ms sql server 2005

Hello, I'm building a .NET CF 3.5 application that will communicate with an server based MS SQL server 2005. The communication will happen trough the devices's WiFi connection. I've been looking for a good O/R mapper and am a bit lost. Most sites/people assume that you're going to work with a local compact database and not with an ex...