
Calling a Stored Procedure in Oracle

Hey all, This should be something fairly simple and straight-forward but for some reason I can't get it to work. I've created my SProc like so: create or replace procedure zadmit_migrate_data (zadmit_seq_no number) is thisPIDM number; begin select pidm into thisPIDM from saturn.zadmit_core_data where pk_seqno = zadmit_...

ORA:00900 Invalid sql statement

i created a procedure with 32 in argument,it sucessfully created.but when i am executing this in back end oracle the errror came ORA:00900 Invalid sql statement ...

ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement error.

While running dbms command execute dbms_utility.analyze_schema('MCC','ESTIMATE',30); I got ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement error. Can anyone tell me what could be the reason? ...