
Problem with inserting data in Oracle database using PHP

The following error: "Warning: oci_execute() [function.oci-execute]: ORA-00911: invalid character in F:\wamp\www\SEarch Engine\test1.php on line 69" is being generated by this code: <?php include_once('config.php'); $db = oci_new_connect(ORAUSER,ORAPASS,"localhost/XE"); $url_name = $_POST['textfield']; $keyword_name =...

Executing oracle sql script with odp .net command object: mutual exclusive error messages

I'm trying to build a test environment to test an app against oracle and sql server. The aim is to have the same code base for both test scenarios, the only difference should are some SQL/DDL/... statements that are stored in script files. The problem is that oracle's ODP does not support the execution of scripts but only single commands...

oracle php ORA-00911 invalid character on UPDATE

Hi Gurus I'm running a PHP Script that updates a table from a Oracle DB. First I receive an object with JSON: [{"lot":"KLMHA17N9N00","requestor":"B10078","id":"FRESHLOT","username":"B26696","password":"B26696"},{"lot":"KLMHA17R1800","requestor":"B10078","id":"FRESHLOT"}] That with no problems since I've been using JSON in other proje...