
Is it possible to hide sensitive data from Oracle DBAs?

I would like to know if there is a way to hide sensitive information (assume data that could be used for insider trading, for instance) from DBAs in an Oracle 10g environment. Is Oracle Database Vault the right tool for the job, or is there something else I should be looking at? ...

Subtype Supertype with Oracle Object Type Creation. Limit on the number of subtypes?

I have run into an issue when creating a object type in Oracle 10g that inherits from a supertype. We currently have many object types that inherit from this supertype and recently the compiler started throwing the following errors ORA-30745: error occured while trying to add column "SYS_NC_ROWINFO$" in table "DATA_CACHE.CACHE_ENTRIES" ...

Using the model clause to expand dates

I have several different types of data involving date range that I want to merge together, but at the same time broken down by day. So a 3 day piece of data would result in three rows: start primary_key start+1 primary_key start+2 primary_key I've been playing around using the model clause of the select statement in 10g and was l...

c# search oracle table column for regex pattern

I'm trying to build an page using c# that will query a column in an Oracle database that has 20,000 rows. I want to display all rows that match this regular expression pattern "[\r\n]$".(should only have about 5 rows that match this pattern) The version of Oracle we use does not support regex so I need to find a way to do t...

Create Tablespace Script in Oracle 10g

Hi Experts, I am using the below script for generating a DDL to create tablespaces in the database. select 'create tablespace ' || df.tablespace_name || chr(10) || ' datafile ''' || df.file_name || ''' size ' || df.bytes || decode(autoextensible,'N',null, chr(10) || ' autoextend on maxsize ' || maxbytes) || chr(10) || 'default...

Failing to connect to oracle database

I'm trying to write a jruby script that connects to an oracle database using jdbc. Thusfar I've got: require 'rubygems' require 'jdbc_adapter' require 'active_record' require 'active_record/version' ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( :adapter => 'jdbc', :driver => 'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver', :url => 'jdbc:oracle...

Regenerate GRANTs for roles across schemas

Similar to this question, I would like to know how to generate all GRANT statements issued to all roles in a set of schemas and a list of roles whose names end in "PROXY". I want to recreate statements like: GRANT SELECT ON TABLE_NAME TO ROLE_NAME; GRANT EXECUTE ON PACKAGE_NAME TO ROLE_NAME; The purpose is to help migrate from a devel...

SSIS: Oracle Multiple rows to one column output without STRAGG

Looking to generate a comma separated list of languages when the ID is the same. Table 1: ID | LangID 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 4 3 1 Table 2: ID | Language 1 English 2 Spanish 3 French 4 German Want to generate results that look like: ID | Languages 1 English, Spanish, French 2 French, German 3 Eng...

SQL - join up two separate sql queries

Hi - I have a table that stores the page hits on a web application, storing unique_row_id http_session_id page_name page_hit_timestamp ---------------------------------------------------------------- 0 123456789 index.html 2010-01-20 15:00:00 1 123456789 info.html 2010-01-20 15:00:05 2 ...

Is using multiple tables an advisable solution to dealing with user defined fields?

I am looking at a problem which would involve users uploading lists of records with various field structures into an application. The 2nd part of this would be to also allow the users to specify fields to capture information. This is a step beyond anything ive done up to this point where i would have designed a static RDMS structure mys...

ActiveRecord and Oracle bind variables

We have decided to use Rails/Oracle for a new project. My understanding is that ActiveRecord does not support bind variables and that this hamstrings Oracle's ability to cache queries and leads to significant performance problems. Cursor sharing has been said to help, but not completely, solve this problem. If this description is reas...

oracle trigger after inserting or udpating a sales item

Hi there, I have this table that represents a weak entity and is a typical table for introducing items ordered: insert into ITEM_FORNECIMENTO values (a_orderId,a_prodId,a_prodQtd, a_buyPrice); I want my trigger to update the last column (the total price of products WITHOUT iva) to do this : totalPrice= totalPrice*(1+(iva/100), each t...

Oracle: Bulk collect into "table of number" gives "numeric or value error"

I've come across an example of doing this on the net which also fails on my DB (10g) but here's my version. ... TYPE prog_rec_type IS TABLE OF NUMBER INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER; prog_rec_list prog_rec_type; begin ... EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT PROGRESS_RECID FROM ' || v_table_name || v_where BULK COLLECT INTO prog_rec_list; --ERROR FOUND...

Oracle Forms on-button-pressed trigger to solve three scenarios

Hello, I'm writing a when-button-pressed trigger on a save button for an Oracle Forms 6i form, and it has to fulfill a couple of scenarios. Here's some background information: the fields we're primarily concerned with are: n_number, alert_id, end_date For all three scenarios we are comparing candidate records against the following re...

Oracle function and query return different results

Hi, I am using oracle 10g database. Function is : create or replace FUNCTION FUNC_FAAL(myCode number,firstDate date , secondDate date) RETURN INTEGER as rtr integer; BEGIN select count(*) into rtr from my_table tbl where tbl.myDateColumn between firstDate and secondDate and tbl.kkct is null and tbl.myNumberColumn...

Oracle equivalent to SQL Server STUFF function?

Hi, Does Oracle have its own implementation of SQL Server stuff function? Stuff allows you to receive one value from a multi row select. Consider my situation below ID HOUSE_REF PERSON 1 A Dave 2 A John 3 B Bob I would like to write a select statement, but I want the PERSON names to be ...

converting progress 4GL procedures to oracle stored procedures

Hi All, I need to convert procedures written in Progress 4GL to Oracle stored procedures. Is there any tool other than SQLWays using which I can achieve this? ...

Microsoft OracleClient Provider and Positional Parameters Binding

Does anyone know how to get the Microsoft OracleClient Provider to support binding parameters by position, currently it does that only by Name and there does not seem to be any option to specify to use positional parameters. I know that Oracle's ODP.NET supports positional parameters, but i want this in Microsoft's provider. ...


I'm trying to access an oracle database using using System.Data.OracleClient; from a console application, accessing the database is fine. however from an ASP.NET web site i get the error: ORA-12640: Authentication adapter initialization failed I've googled around and found that changing sqlnet.ora file would solve the issue //bef...

How to see errors in Oracle?

I am getting the following error when trying to execute a stored procedure in Oracle that contains two input parameters: ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'P_GET_NEXT_AVAILABLE_RUN' ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: Statement ignored Both input parameters require values...