
ORA-12705 with OracleXE & Windows 7 & GlassFish

I hate this problem... please help! I have: GlassFish v3 (build 74.2) Windows 7 Pro english Oracle XE 10.2.0 settings: SQL> select * from nls_database_parameters; PARAMETER VALUE ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- NLS_LANGUAGE AMERICAN NLS_TERRITORY ...

How can I count only NULL values in Oracle/PLSQL?

How can I count only NULL values in Oracle/PLSQL? I want to count only the null values. Is there a function that does that? ...

Oracle SQL clause evaluation order

In Oracle, which clause types get evaluated first? If I had the following ( pretend .... represent valid expressions and relation names ), what would the order of evaluation be? SELECT ... FROM ..... WHERE ........ GROUP BY ........... HAVING ............. ORDER BY ................ I am under the impression that the SELECT ...

Convert XML to .plist

Hey, I have an XML exported from Oracle DB, which will be downloaded into my application main bundle. i would like to convert this XML file into .plist file so i can assign the values into NSDictionary and NSArrays.. Is there a way to get this to work? or is there a better way to work with an external XML file? note that one of the f...

SQL to generate a list of numbers from 1 to 100

Using the DUAL table, how can I get a list of numbers from 1 to 100? ...

Using active record migrations on a .NET project

I want to use the rails like database migrations on a .net project which uses an oracle database. Looking around at some of the frameworks like (which apparently isn't well tested with oracle) I've decided to just try and use the rails active record as it looks like it's probably the most supported framework around. My qu...

Selecting all tables with no records

I need to display all tables that have zero records. I tried, select * from user_all_tables where (select count(*) from user_all_tables)=0; But it doesn't seem to work. How should I go about redesigning this query? Thanks. ...

Problem with Oracle/SQL ORDER BY Statement

Hi, i have the following content inside an varchar2 column: When i query the database i need an result ordered: 4.... 8.... 9.... 10... the NLS_SORT parameter is set to german, an simple "order by COLUMN DESC/ASC" is not working like excepted. It return...

How many bytes does Oracle use when storing a single character?

I tried to look here: And I understand that I have to provide string length for the column, I'm just not able to find out how many bytes oracle uses when storing a character. My limit is 500 characters, so if its 1 byte / character, I can create the colum...

siebel-BIP reporting customized with c#

Hi everyone, I am working on an application that will be written in c# which will sit between Siebel and Oracle BIP. As I understand it, users select the reports they want to generate on the Sielbel front end. Oracle's BI publisher does the job of actually formatting the report and sending it back to the Siebel front end. Im trying to ...

ADO "Unspecified Error" instead of actual error when fetching server side cursor

This relates to my recent question: I am now able to reproduce a scenario where using ADO with the Oracle OLEDB Provider, I can force an error such as ORA-01722: invalid number to occur on calling Recordset.MoveNext However, this is not the error that is returned to ...

When using Oracle load balancing and ADO.NET, how do you know which host the command executed on?

It's possible to use Microsoft's OracleClient assembly to connect to an Oracle database, and using Oracle's connection string format, set it up to use load balancing, provided your Oracle environment supports it. The question I have is how do you know after the fact, which db host the command actually executed against? Is there a way to...

Getting user data from Active Directory using PL/SQL

I had a discussion today regarding an Oracle procedure I wrote some time ago. I wanted to get 7500 user email addresses from Active Directory using PL/SQL. AD will return a maximum of 1000 rows and the LDAP provider used by Oracle will not support paging. Therefore, my solution was to filter on the last two characters of the sAMAccount...

oracle datetime field indexing

Hi, How do we perform indexing on a datetime field in oracle. We should be able to search for a specific year Thanks ...

java.sql.SQLException: Unsupported feature

I am using the JPA(hibernate) for the ORM and c3po for connection pooling. While I am able to do all the CRUD operations it gives me the below error while accessing the the data: Here are the tools: Hibernate 3.2.1, Oracle 10g, ojdbc14, connection pool: c3p0-0.9. And the stack trace: java.sql.SQLException: Unsupported feature ...

SQL - How to select a row having a column with max value

date value 18/5/2010, 1 pm 40 18/5/2010, 2 pm 20 18/5/2010, 3 pm 60 18/5/2010, 4 pm 30 18/5/2010, 5 pm 60 18/5/2010, 6 pm 25 i need to query for the row having max(value)(i.e. 60). So, here we get two rows. From that, I need the row with the lowest time stamp for that day(i.e ...

PHP - OCI and PDO OCI failed to run

Hi there, I am trying to install lighttpd and php separately on Windows XP. I successfully get the server to run. However, I failed to get the OCI to run in my server. Error message saying that failed to load the PDO Driver for OCI. When I check on phpinfo(), no OCI/PDO OCI driver is loaded. I got the correct dll file and php.ini corr...

using FUNCTION instead of CREATE FUNCTION oracle pl/sql

I see people writing a function with FUNCTION instead "CREATE FUNCTION". When I saw this usage in the web I thought it was a typo or something. But in Oreilly's "Oracle 11g PL/SQL Programming" by Steven Feurenstein, the author had used the same thing. But I get errors when I execute that. Could somebody explain is it legal usage or not?....

is versus as pl/sql

I thought that oracle treats both "is" and "as" same for functions and procedures.I tried googling with "pl/sql is vs as" and got the following link which says both are the same. But I found

C# Drawing Oracle Spatial Geometries

I need to create a simple app which can display geometries from Oracle Spatial in C#. These geometries are exported from AutoCAD Map 3D 2010 to Oracle Spatial. I need to pan, zoom, manage layers of these objects, events (like right click to popup a contextual menu, potentially different for every object), creating/deleting points (maybe...