
Convert OracleParameter.Value to Int32

I have a stored procedure call that goes like this: using (OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Database"])) using (OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand("Package.Procedure", con)) { Int32 existsCount; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Add("successCount", Ora...

how to return some default value in oracle cursor when nothing is found

I have following statement in one of the oracle SP: OPEN CUR_NUM FOR SELECT RTRIM(LTRIM(num)) as num FROM USER WHERE USER_ID = v_user_id; When the above does not return anything the SP result just has no column name in it. But I'd like the cursor to still have num column with some default value like NOTHING when no data is fo...

Copy image to BLOB from client pc aka Java function in Oracle

Hi guys, I've been stuck with this for past two days. I've go java function stored in Oracle system which is supposed to copy image from local drive do remote database and store it in BLOB - it's called CopyBLOB and looks like this: import java.sql.*; import oracle.sql.*; import*; public class CopyBLOB { static int ...

Oracle .NET Provider DLL hell

I am currently developing on a Win7-32bits computer. Everything works fine. It's a ASP.NET application. I was able to use Microsoft's Oracle deprecated .NET provider to connect to Oracle (using 32 bit instant client) and also ODP.NET. No problems at all. Application runs fine. The problem comes when I deploy it to IIS7 on Windows 2008 ...

how to return comma seperated values in oracle SP

If I have a simple query like: OPEN cursor FOR SELECT USER_ID FROM USER_TABLE WHERE USER_ID = V_SOME_USER; this will return records in different rows but how can I return the rows in the following format: 'userid1', 'userid2', 'userid3'.....'useridN' I want to do this because I want to send this off as a parameter to another store...

fetch only first row from oracle - is it faster?

My main goal with this question is optimization and faster run time. After doing lot of processing in the Stored Proc I finally return a count like below: OPEN cv_1 FOR SELECT COUNT(*) num_of_members FROM HOUSEHOLD_MEMBER a, HOUSEHOLD b WHERE RTRIM(LTRIM(a.mbr_...

How to return data structure from stored procedure

Hello, I have C# application that retrieve data from AQ with some oracle stored procedure, that stored in package. The scheme is: C# code -> Stored Procedure in Package -> AQ Inside of this stored procedure I use DBMS_AQ for dequeue the data to some object of some type. Now I have this object. My question is how I return it? Previously ...

how to use oracle package to get rid of Global Temp table

I have a sample query like below: INSERT INTO my_gtt_1 (fname, lname) (select fname, lname from users) In my effort to getting rid of temporary tables I created a package: create or replace package fname_lname AS Type fname_lname_rec_type is record ( fname varchar(10), lname varchar(10) ); fname_lname_rec fname_lname_rec_type Type...

oracle search word in string

I want to search a word in string in ORACLE in which string is comma separated. Eg. String is ('MF1,MF2,MF3') and now I want to search whether 'MF' exists in that or not. If I am using instr('MF1,MF2,MF3','MF') it will give wrong result since I want to search Full MF in MF1 or MF2 or MF3. ...

oracle collection not enough values

I did following: create or replace type my_row as object ( lname varchar2(30), fname varchar2(30), MI char(1), hohSSN char (9), hohname VARCHAR2(63), hohDob char(10), dob DATE ); create or replace type eiv.my_rec as table of eiv.my_row; but then doing query like: my_records my_rec sele...

Add new row in a databound form with a Oracle Sequence as the primary key

I am connecting C# with Oracle 11g. I have a DataTable which i fill using an Oracle Data Adapter. OracleDataAdapter da; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); da = new OracleDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Author", con); da.Fill(dt); I have few text boxes that I have databound to various rows in the data table. txtAuthorID.DataBindings.Add("Tex...

Passing an array of structures to an Oracle stored procedure (CFMX)

I'm looking to write a Oracle stored procedure where I would pass in (from ColdFusion) an array of structures and loop over each iteration to insert the bits and pieces within the structures to the DB., I haven't written this type of procedure / package before. I am planning to do an sp / package similar to what is sketched out in the...

not single-group grouping function while using regr_slope

HI I try to run : select year, regr_slope(sum(sale_count),year) as slope, from products group by year It throws "00937. 00000 - "not a single-group group function"" .When i delete year from select clause problem disapears. Shouldn't I be able to select column with which I'm grouping? Oracle 11.2 sqldeveloper ty for help ! ...

problem in using system.form_status

Dear friends I try to use system.form_status state,but when i check it after I change some texts or my list item,there is no changes in system.form_status ,I just receive "query" message but I must receive "changed" message. So how I can solve my problem?has it any precondition? ...

oracle update procedure problem

hi, i want to update the following procedure in the oracle table..but it is throwing error CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE update_keywords (aKEYWORD IN VARCHAR2, aCOUNT IN NUMBER) AS BEGIN update searchable_keywords set KEYWORD =:new.aKEYWORD or COUNT =:new.aCOUNT where KEUWORD_ID = : old.KEYWORD_ID; END; this is my procedu...

How to retrieve large data from oracle database using vbscript

Hi guys, I'm now working on vbscript to do some test. Actuelly, I want to retrieve a large amount of data from an oracle database, so I write the code like this: sql = "Select * from CORE_DB where MC = '" & mstr & "' " Set myrs = db_execute_query(curConnection, sql) Then I count the rows in myrs,there are 248 rows. So then I do a For...

Which is the best sql schema comparison tool for Oracle?

It should be a tool to enable versioning of a database schema and efficiently updating databases with older versions of the schema: robustness, does it handle all edge cases support for data migration command line execution flexibility, can some data be compared as well In the answers a breakdown on support for these points (and anyt...

Reverse Proxy Autharization (Oracle Application Server)

I have an application deployed on a server. I then have a reverse proxy on another server (Oracle AS) to this application in order to make use of Oracle SSO which works fine. I now need to build in a layer of authorization for the application between the Oracle SSO and the application. The obvious would be to build it into the applicat...

how check radio button status in oracle form

Hi there I like to control a radio button in my oracle form. please help me how I can return its value please. ...

Subsonic 3.0 Settings ttinclude for Oracle ?

Is there any subsonic settings.ttinclude template file for oracle db. ...