
How should I read the data from different oracle schema using

The database user has got two schemas. I need to read the data from a specific schema using I am using OleDbConnection object to create the connection to database. Appreciate your answers. ...

Oracle: 300 times difference in performance between databases on same server.

Hi! I'm working with a new and an old database on an oracle server. Queries against tables in the new database are about 300 times slower than identical queries against tables in the old database. These databases are quite similar but there are some differences: The table I'm testing in the old one has one CHAR column (ind...

rownum in Subquery

I was wondring why this doesn't work: SELECT ( SELECT COALESCE(MAX(a.LaufNr),0) + TBL.Rownum FROM schemaB.PersonRelatedTbl A WHERE A.Persid = Tbl.Persid ) , Tbl.Some_Other_Attributs FROM schemaA.PersonRelatedTbl TBL WHERE ... This + TBL.Rownum gives an error why? greets Auro ...

Comparing the Oracle Interval Data Type

I have an oracle time interval in a select statement like this: SELECT ... CASE WHEN date1 - date2 > 0 THEN 'No' ELSE 'YES' END This fails with an invalid data type. So I tried this, and it still fails. SELECT ... CASE WHEN date1 - date2 > (sysdate - sysdate) THEN 'No' ELSE 'YES' END Is there any way t...

How to work around ORA-02014: cannot select FOR UPDATE from view with DISTINCT, GROUP BY, etc.

I want to lock one record in a table. The record is specified as "the next that has ID greater than..." CREATE TABLE test (id number); SELECT id FROM (SELECT id FROM test WHERE id > 10 ORDER BY id) WHERE ROWNUM = 1 FOR UPDATE; This seems intuitive and easy. But it is not. Any ideas? P.S. I do need the existing qu...

.NET application times out or does not connect when invoking a stored procedure accesses Oracle linked server

This .NET application used to work. When it did we were using the Oracle ODBC 9i. We moved to 10 g did not work anymore. Now at 11g stills does not work. I have set SQL Command Timeouts all over the place. I have set the connection timeout and the query timeout in the linked server properties to 120. I can run the proc from SQL Ser...

Why is this query so slow?

I have tables FOO and BAR. FOO has a foreign key to BAR's PK. When I execute the following query it takes several seconds. select, foo.description, bar.quadrant from FOO, BAR where FOO.BAR_ID = BAR.BAR_ID Here is my explain plan: OPERATION OBJECT_NAME OPTIONS COST SELECT STATEMENT ...

Oracle 10g-Express Query

I want to perform a special query on a table in my oracle database. I want the result to be sorted according to an enum that I have. the enum goes as follows: private enum days { Saturday = 1, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, } I want the result to be sorted according to this enum. ...

importing data "BLOB" type from one DB to another in oracle

hi, i am facing problem, while importing data from one DB to another. The problem is with when i want to import a table which contains BLOB type data. Can any one please help me, how to import BLOB type data or how to move BLOB type data from one DB to another. Please help me. ...

Find parent node?

There are two tables one with node names and another with connection details(child, parent) between the nodes find the node which has no parent i.e, root node. Using SQL query. ...

What is PCT for a materialized view?

Saw it in a reference manual. What is PCT for a materialized view? What is "Partition Change Tracking"? ...

Oracle SQL trace with bind variables

How to aquire the full SQL statement with bind variables substituted from a trace file? When setting ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10046 trace name context forever, level 4'; ALTER SESSION SET sql_trace = true; the resulting trace file contains the SQL query with bind variables and the resolution of the bind variables in a separate "BIND...

How to show Oracle DB Tables on my JDeveloper Swing projects frame?

I want to show my Oracle DB tables on my application. I create a new database connection DBConnection1. But I don't bind DBConnection1 in my class. How to do it? ...

Hibernate+Oracle+Clob: Content of attributes get switched.

Has anyone heard of this error before: I have a Java 5 application, that uses Hibernate 3.3.2 to access an Oracle Database 10g, the JDBC driver is the Oracle light driver version (the most recent version, I think). The database access happens during a transaction that is managed via the AOP-tools of spring. There is one datab...

increasing the page width in oracle reports builder

Hi, I am designing a new report using oracle reports builder that comes with 10g. I have many columns to be inserted horizontally. But I couldn't increase the page width of the body section beyond 8.5 inches. But I can see the page width of some existing reports to be more than 16 inches. How do I increase the page width?. I have been go...

Update statement using current value of the table

I want to update a row in a table by incrementing by one the integer value of one of the field.. The current doesn't work, why? Update htmIndex SET numObs = numObs+1 where ... ...

php compile oci8 and stuck only at checking dynamic linker characteristics?? Why stuck?

./configure -with-oci8=shared,instantclient,/usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64/lib/ checking for egrep... grep -E checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /bin/sed checking for gcc... gcc checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking whether we are cross compiling......

Call Oracle Stored Procedure Using createNativeQuery

I need to call a stored procedure using JPA and found this article: which explains how to use EntityManager.createNativeQuery. However, the example actually calls a function that has a return argument. I've tried searching for an example of calling a stored procedure th...

ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended (in simple insert statement)

The following simple statement: INSERT INTO mydb.inventory (itemID) VALUES (:itemID) WHERE playerID = :ID; Generates the following error: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended I have tried it without the semi-colon as well as with, but both give me the error. I am certain that the variables are being bound as well. All my Goo...

oracle jdbc jface wizardpage

I want to create a jface wizard and collect credentials as I go along - password and username on page 1 and then on page 2 I want to display a list I get from an oracle database. I am using eclipse, and have all the controls in the places I want. On page 2 I put the oracle connection details and sql statement in the createControl method...