
Oracle direct load seems to make strange results

Hi, i have got very strange results in my Oracle 10g database since the day i have switched my loaders from direct=false to direct=true with compressed tables .. For example, when i make a query like that after a loader : select * from mytable where month is null i get no answer .. but when i query a specific line select * from myt...

Oracle Package creation error

I created a package and a package body as below: Create or replace Package pkg_1 as procedure main(param1 varchar2, param2 varchar2, param3 int); procedure one(param1 varchar2, param2 varchar2); procedure two(param1 varchar2, param2 varchar2); end pkg_1; / create or replace package body pkg_1 as procedure main (param1 varchar2, param2 ...

How to solve "TNS-12560 TNS-00530"?

when i try to start listener service of ORACLE (10g) transparent gateway on Windows 7,it returns two errors: Failed to start service, error 2. TNS-12560: TNS: protocol adapter error TNS-00530: protocol adapter error and my configuration files below: listener.ora SID_LIST_LISTENER = (SID_LIST = (SID_DESC = (SID_NAME = PLSE...

Add years and move to last day

Certain event needs to happen before the end of the year when it's 10 years since the previous event. I'm issuing a query like this to calculate the deadline: SELECT :previous_date AS previous_date, ADD_MONTHS( TO_DATE( EXTRACT( YEAR FROM TO_DATE(:previous_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24-MI-SS') ...

Oracle XMLTABLE syntax error

I've created a simple example of a table with a xmltype column --set up the able CREATE TABLE dept (name varchar2(20), employees XMLTYPE); --insert a test row INSERT INTO dept VALUES ( 'Sales', XMLTYPE.createxml( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <People> <Person> ...

Oracle Data Pump import Compression and Partitioning

Oracle Data Pump import the schema and table structures but, does it also include the administration of tables such as Compression and Partitioning? I noticed that the Oracle provided documents state post 10.1 Data Pump import of tables that were compressed will import compressed versions of the data but, it stated nothing about table s...

Drop user object in Oracle

Any one help me regarding orcal querry to drop user object? ...

Import error using oracle 10g

When I am trying to import a file to a 10g database, Error message (given below) appears. Anybody can help me regarding this ? Thanks, Awan. IMP-00058: ORACLE error 6550 encountered ORA-06550: line 1, column 33: PLS-00302: component 'SET_NO_OUTLINES' must be declared ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: Statement ignored IMP-00000: Imp...

Move values from one column to other in Oracle table

I have around 100,000 records in my Oracle table. TableMaster ----------- TabID Column1 Column2 How do I update all the records so that Column1 values are moved to Column2, and Column2 values are moved to column1? ...

Help me select RDBMS for a standalone app. Few Concerns.

My app. is in C# 3.5 and MySQL 5.1. It is a Windows based standalone application. It is running successfully since last two years except few issues and that too were later found out to be MySQL bugs. The bug disturbed the real-time reports as it store the same timestamp in two rows. I don't know whether MySQL fixed it or not so I want t...

Oracle: exporting only schema

Hello I have an Oracle 10g database, and now I need to export, if possible, only the schema. (Only table structures with index etc... without data!) Is this possible with exp/imp or do I need expdp/impdp? Greets ...

Instr Function Cognos Report

I am trying to find the @ in a string field. The follow data item in a Congos 8 returns 0 for every call. instr ( [email protected], '@', 1 ) Any ideas? New to Cognos and Oracle in general but I feel like I have to be missing something obvious. ...

Oracle Query Join issue

Hello, I have an Oracle table as shown below Orders --------- ORDERID DESCRIPTION TOTALVALUE ORDERSTATUS I have the below mentioned query select ORDERID,ORDERSTATUS FROM ORDERS WHERE ORDERID IN( 1000,1001,1002,1003,1004,1005,1006,1007,1008,1009,1010,1020, 1030,104,1040,1090,789) Some orderIDs mentioned above are ...