
How can I mock/fake/stub sealed OracleException with no public constructor?

In my tests I need to test what happens when an OracleException is thrown (due to a stored procedure failure). I am trying to setup Rhino Mocks to Expect.Call(....).Throw(new OracleException()); For whatever reason however, OracleException seems to be sealed with no public constructor. What can I do to test this? Edit: Here is exa...

Connect to an Oracle 8i database using a 10g client

I recently upgraded my oracle client to 10g ( Now when I try to connect to a legacy 8.0 database, I get ORA-03134: Connections to this server version are no longer supported. Is there any workaround for this problem, or do I have to install two clients on my local machine? ...

Debugging .Net OracleClient error

We currently use iBatis and nHibernate on the same website. Performing a save on a specific page causes the following error to be thrown: System.Data.OracleClient.OracleException: ORA-01453: SET TRANSACTION must be first statement of transaction Stack trace is displayed at the end of this question. This only happens on this one page (a...

ADO.NET, Closing an OracleConnection without prior Commit or Rollback: Will it leak?

Suppose I am doing the following: using (OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(connStr)) { OracleTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction(); OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand(cmdTxt, conn, trans); // this statement is executed in a transaction context: command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } // the using statement w...

Use Oracle 6 from ASP.NET application

I have an ASP.NET 2.0 web application. It uses "System.Data.OracleClient, Version=" to access an oracle database. I get the following exception on connection: System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater. I looked it up and found several articles/posts that say that the error is misleading and ...

Oracle connection string without tnsnames.ora file

I am using the .NET framework with the System.Data.OracleClient namespace. I have the oracle 11 client installed on my computer. I do not want to use the tnsnames.ora file to store connection information. Could someone please tell me what the connection string would look like if I did not want to use the tnsnames.ora file? I will be ...

Oracle Connection and nls_lang

Hello I have a legacy database set with NLS_LANG set to IW8ISO8859P8. This I cannot change. I have another application, that is not working with unicode, that works on the same data my application works on. In some of the fields, and some of the times, the user inserts as part of a string, the character 161 which represents NIS curren...

The type initializer for 'Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection' threw an exception

Hi, I have developed an application that uses Oracle Data Provider for .NET. I copy the application file (.exe) and ODP library (Oracle.DataAccess.dll) on another computer that Oracle client and ODP.NET are NOT installed on. When I run the application, I got the error msg: The type initializer for 'Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnect...

Oracle .NET error - Wrong number or type of arguments

Now I know this has been asked before. But I've made doubly sure that all parameters are correct and there are no typos. I still get the error. Could somebody please guide me here? I am nearing my wit's end! CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE VWT.WUA_DELETE_FP_REQUEST (i_pLDAPUserName IN varchar2, i_pIReasonCode IN number, i_p...

System.Data.OracleClient namespace discontinued?

I just read this article today about how Microsoft decided to remove the System.Data.OrcaleClient namespace from .NET 4.0 library. I used this as my primary tool for working with Oracle databases. When I decide to upgrade my applications from the .NET 2.0 to .NET 4.0, what would bee some alternative options for working with Oracle data...

How do I specify which Oracle client install to use?

I have a server with both 10g and 11g clients installed. How do I setup the connection string to tell my ASP.NET application to use the second client which is 11g (i.e. OraClient11g_home2)? ...

Unable to set up ODBC after installing ODAC (Xcopy)

We are trying to use ODAC Xcopy to minimize the footprint of installing Oracle 11g Client. Currently, we use the Oracle 11g Admin install (~700mb). I've tried using the ODAC Xcopy, and that works. However, the only issue I now have is that I cannot set up an ODBC on the target system by just installing the ODAC Xcopy. After installing ...

Why do I get Oracle connection errors only in a VS 2008 web app/site project?

Using Visual Studio 2008 on Vista 64 bit, if I create a test web site or web application that looks like this... public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { OracleConnection connection; connection = new OracleConnection("User Id=user;Password=userpa...

Why do I get java.lang.AbstractMethodError when trying to load a blob in the db?

Hello, I've got a problem with JDBC. I'have the following code: //blargeparam is a blob column. PreparedStatement pst =connection.prepareStatement("update gcp_processparams_log set blargeparam= ? where idprocessparamslog=1"); pst.setBinaryStream(1,inputStream); I get the following error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Abstra...

Anyone have any luck installing Oracle10g Client 64-bit on Windows 7 x64 RTM?

I am happy with Windows 7 RTM x64 overall as everything in my development environment works well with it except for Oracle Client 64 Bit version. I downloaded the latest release and as soon as I begin installing it, it stops with an error saying that it will install on Windows version 6.0 (Vista) but does not support Windows ver...

OracleConnection.ClearAllPools - Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object

I have the following code in an ashx file - don't ask why ;-) <%@ WebHandler Language="C#" Class="Site.Pool" %> using System; using System.Data; using System.IO; using System.Web; using System.Web.SessionState; using Core.Database; using Core.ITables; using Online.Server.Busi; using Online.Server.ITables; using XactNet.Busi; namespa...

Why does OracleParameter implement ICloneable but doesn't provide Clone()?

I am using the OracleClient library version 1.0.5000.0 and I am confused about the OracleParameter class and its implementation of ICloneable. This is the definition of the OracleParameter class: public sealed class OracleParameter : MarshalByRefObject, IDbDataParameter, IDataParameter, ICloneable { public OracleParameter(); public O...

OracleClient to devart dotConnect for Oracle

Has anyone tried migration from Microsoft OracleClient to dotConnect for Oracle? Is it realy so easy (as they wrote at their blog or just another marketing trick? I've tried ODP.NET, but it seems to me that its interface differs from the standard one. ...

Constructing a good search query using

I am constructing a search function in a class to be used by several of our asp pages. The idea is simple, take a search term from the user and query the database for the item. Currently I am doing this the wrong way, which is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks (and ELMAH is in there to save the day if something goes wrong): Public S...

Converting from DbCommand object to OracleCommand object

Hi, I have inherited a function in an ASP.NET (C#) application where the author used the Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data library, but I have been asked to change it so that it uses System.Data.OracleClient. This function uses a stored procedure form a database. itemName, and openDate are string parameters that the function ta...