Difference between InvariantCulture and Ordinal string comparision
When comparing two strings in c# for equality, what is the difference between InvariantCulture and Oridinal comparision. ...
When comparing two strings in c# for equality, what is the difference between InvariantCulture and Oridinal comparision. ...
I'm wondering if there is a quick and easy way to output ordinals given a number in python. For example, given the number 1, I'd like to output "1st", the number 2, "2nd", et cetera, et cetera. This is for working with dates in a breadcrumb trail Home > Venues > Bar Academy > 2009 > April > 01 is what is currently shown I'd li...
Problem: You are given dates in a format of YYYYddd, which is the year, followed by the day of the year, 1 through 365(366). For example today would be 2009135 (5/15/2009). What is the best way to create a new datetime from this? In Ruby I know there is a constructor that takes two numbers like so Date.ordinal(2009, 135) Is there a ...
Hi, I need to localise ordinal values i.e 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.. into various european languages There doesn't seem to be an option for doing this with Zend_Locale. Anyone know of a way of doing this in 5.2.x without the intl pecl extension? To be clear, 5.3 is not an option and installing an additional extension may not be either. Anyone...
my $hash_ref = { one => { val => 1, name => 'one' }, three => { val => 3, name => 'three'}, two => { val => 2, name => 'two' }, }; I would like to sort $hash_ref such that a foreach would order them by $hash_ref->{$key}->{'val'} one two three Any suggestions? ...
I have the following code in my program: NSUInteger currentMinuteOrdinal = [[NSCalendar currentCalendar] ordinalityOfUnit:NSMinuteCalendarUnit inUnit:NSEraCalendarUnit forDate:[NSDate date]]; NSUInteger passedInMinuteOrdinal = [[NSCalendar currentCalendar] ordinalityOfUnit:NSMinuteCalendarUnit inUnit:NSEraCalendarUnit forDate:passedInDa...
Hey, Does anyone What's the easiest way in C++ to get an ordinal of an exported dll function, given its name? (Looking for a way which doesn't invlove parsing the IATs myself...) Thanks, Dan ...
Hi, can anyone give me any advice on what to do about this error ?! i made a simple mfc app which works on windows7 but on winXP it throws the bellow error : "The ordinal 7118 could not be located in the dynamic link lybrary mfc90.dll" Thank you. ...
If a dll exports some functions and the functions have only ordinal numbers, how can I call the functions? Give me a short example please. ...
So for example lets say when I string.format a date and use the string "or" in format pattern I want that converted to the ordinal value of the Date. ie string.Format("{0:ddor MMM yyyy}.", DateTime.Now) should output 1st Jan 2010 See below for how to derive the ordinal numbers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/69262/is-there-an-...