
Checking if a user exists in an ou

Hi, I want check if a selected user exists within an OU (by the username he/she logs on to), what the rightest way to get this done? After that I want to select the user and change his/her password. I found some help here: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/system/everythingInAD.aspx#46 But the code I found looked like this: public stat...

Writing to Socket outputStream w/o closing it

Hi, I'd like to write some messages to the server. Each time, for the tramsmitting only, I'm closing the outputStream and reopen it when I have to send the next message. os.write(msgBytes); os.write("\r\n".getBytes()); os.flush(); os.close(); How Can I keep this Socket's OutputStream, os, open and still be able to send the message? ...