
CListBox's Item size changed when changing the size of the list box even if I specify the size in MeasureItem() method?

I used a class which derives from CListBox, and create it with following style:WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE |LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED | WS_VSCROLL | WS_HSCROLL I expect the ListBox's item to be have a fixed size, not affected by the size of the list box. So I override the MeasureItem() method, in which I specify the item's size like below: void CMyLi...

DrawItemEventArgs' "Index" property goes negative sometimes(C#)(RESOLVED)

Hi. I have an owner-drawn listbox control in my project. The problem is that sometimes the DrawItemEventArgs argument passed to my DrawItem event-handler has an Index property of "-1". It seems that this only happens when I scroll through the list box and then try to close my application; To avoid getting an exception I did something ver...

limit of 64 ownerdraw createwindow buttons

I want to create an array of 256 colored buttons with the owner draw extended style to a dialog box created with the visual studio dialog design tool. I added a loop to the WM_INITDIALOG message handler in the dialog procedure to do this: for (i=0; i<=255; i++) { int xp, yp; HWND status; xp = rect_pos.left+16*(i%16); yp = rect_pos.t...