
LaTeX Page Size --- how do I produce a page that is "just big enough"?

Hi, I was learning about using the command line version of latex today, and I was experimenting with outputting .tex to .dvi, and then .dvi to .png. The problem is, I have a simple .tex document which contains some math. The goal is to eventually produce a png form of the equation. But when I run: $ latex -output-format=dvi test.tex $...

Set page size using WIA (with scanner)

Hello, I'm using WIA to acquire images from a scanner with C#. I can scan the papers, but I can't set up the page size correctly, it always defaults to A4 and I need to use Letter or Legal sometimes. I tried with the WIA_DPS_PAGE_SIZE property, but when I try to set a value, I always get an error, that the value is out of the interval (...