
Type exists in two libraries

I'm trying to incorporate Linq to Lucene in my project. As with most web projects, I use the PagedList type I put in my personal helper library and use it all over the place. But so did Linq to Lucene... Since both my library and the L2L library want to add the PagedList type to System.Collections.Generic namespace, I get a c...

How can I make my yielded IEnumerable work with PagedList

I'm using Troy Goode's paged List in my project. Normally you just feed it an IEnumerable, a startindex and an item count and it all works. Now however I'm trying to feed it an IEnumerable I generate as follows: private static IEnumerable<Color> GetColors(Query query) { IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(luceneIndexpath); Hits...

Working with PagedList and Membership

I've been playing around with Troy Goode's PagedList I was wondering if anyone has gotten it to work with the built in Membership piece? I have over 8000 users so I need to be able to page thru the User list. using a line like this in my memberhsip controller doesn't work. It wont compile. Membe...

How to enable sorting on a PagedList<T>

Hi there! Im hoping that someone has used the very excellent PagedList from Troy Goode? Im actually using it in a Winforms app, and while it does work, I have lost the ability to sort it. Returning a PagedList, controlling the Page and Size, and binding to a DataGridView is no issue, but my biggest concern is Sorting. Now I have also ...