
WPF - PageFunctions. Why are they needed?

I've been dabbling in WPF for a couple of months now and I've managed to grasp most of what's about and why/when it's used but I'm still struggling to see the value of the PageFunction class. Can someone give me a simple, but concrete example of when a PageFunction might be the correct tool for the job? ...

Setting Command Bindings via XAML on PageFunction forms

If you are creating a WPF window or a WPF page, you can bind commands to functions within the XAML. <Page x:Class="WpfPageApplication.Page1" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:WpfPageApplication="clr-namespace:WpfPageApplication" Title="Page1" ...

UI and variable accesibility confusion

Hello everyone, I am building my own implementation of a wizard style interface and struggling to get it working correctly, along with every other style of wizard interface I expect to encounter the same problem. See image: Basically I am us...

ExecutionEngineException thrown in PageFunction navigation, when OnReturn is used.

I'm having a problem with PageFunction navigation. After OnReturn is called an ExecutionEngineException is thrown. "Exception of type 'System.ExecutionEngineException' was thrown." I create and navigate to my PageFunction as follows: void ShowPageFunction2(){ mPageFunction2 = new PageFunction2(...); mPageFunction2.Return +...

PageFunction not being disposed of causes crash

I have a WPF "wizard" where I am using PageFunction objects to display the various pages in the wizard. Several of these pages use references to objects in other assemblies within the application so the user can select "packages" they want to include in a generated ouput. In the page function, I have the keep alive flag set to true so ...