
Dvorak vs QWERTY

A friend of mine is trying to convince me to learn to type in Dvorak. The main reason I would consider switching is to relieve the strain on my hands from long periods of typing. Is it worth the effort to learn a new keyboard layout? For those of you who have switched, have you found your typing faster or felt less strain on your hand...

virtual attribute problems with undefined methods

I've used Virtual attributes in the past but I can't seem to get past this, and I know the answer is probably staring me in the face. I have a model like so: model Confirmation.rb class Confirmation < ActiveRecord::Base #attr_accessible :confirmation, :confirmation_token #attr_accessible :confirmation_token def confirmation_to...

How paint() in a CLONE JPanel?

Hi all! Anybody know how can I repaint in a clone JPanel. Im using CLONE, so I can REPAINT() one, and the other will do the same automatically. My code only paints the original JPanel if I move the mouse in the original or in the clone panel, but If I move the mouse in the clone panel, this jpanel doesn't paint. Thanks in advance COD...

Best way to connect node.js and sphinx

I'm trying to search in sphinx from node.js code. The only way to do it I know is to connect to searchd as to mysqld server. I'd absolutely all known mysql libraries, but no of them even connected to sphinx. ...