
Painting TPaintBox during Drag&Drop with DragImage

In my application (Delphi 2007) I want to drag items from a ListView to a PaintBox and highlight corresponding areas in the PaintBox's OnPaint handler. However I always get ugly artefacts. Do you have any advice how I can get rid of them? Test project: Just create a new VCL application and replace the code in Unit1.pas with the followin...

Delphi - TPaintBox - Resize

Hello everybody, I'm having problems resizing a TPaintBox and drawing on it: On my Form (named FMain) I dropped a TPaintBox (named DisplayImage), which I am trying to resize as the Form is resized. To do that I wrote an OnResize() method for FMain (I confirmed that it's being called correctly) in which I try to resize the DisplayImage...