
Example models with texture coordinates?

I'm writing a small OpenGL demo and I would really like to show some example models with textures. The trouble is I have a really tough time finding such models. There are tons of repositories of 3D models in various formats but it seems that only a small fraction of them have texture coordinates. I'm looking for find some well known st...

Storing parametrized definitions of sets of elements and single pass queries to fetch them in SQL

Suppose a database table containing properties of some elements: Table Element (let's say 1 000 000 rows): ElementId Property_1 Property_2 Property_3 ------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 1 abc 1 1 2 bcd 1 2 3 def 2 ...

VBScript building a parametrized query

Is it possible to build a VBscript parametrized query without knowing the names, types or number of arguments beforehand? I'm trying to do this: set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command") cmd.ActiveConnection = cn cmd.commandText = proc cmd.commandType = 4 cmd.Parameters.Refresh For i = 0 To UBound(params)...

Generic object load function for scala

I'm starting on a Scala application which uses Hibernate (JPA) on the back end. In order to load an object, I use this line of code: val addr = s.load(classOf[Address], addr_id).asInstanceOf[Address]; Needless to say, that's a little painful. I wrote a helper class which looks like this: import org.hibernate.Session class DataLoader...