
Changing Paredit Formatting

When using paredit in programming modes such as C, typing ( will insert a space before the paren when I'm trying to call a function, leaving me with: foo () Is there a way to disable the insertion of the space without changing paredit's source? ...

How to setup Aquamacs for Clojure development?

I've tried to migrate to Emacs several times for Clojure development, following a variety of blogposts, screencast and tutorials, but somewhere along the way something always went wrong - keybindings that didn't work, incompatible versions, etc, and I found myself scrambling back to Vim. But I know I want Paredit and SLIME. So, I'm goin...

How can I get paredit mode when doing eval-expression?

I love Emacs' paredit-mode, but I miss it very sorely when doing eval-expression (M-:). How can I have paredit in the minibuffer when doing eval-expression? Thanks! ...