
Algorithm to format text to Pascal or camel casing

Using this question as the base is there an alogrithm or coding example to change some text to Pascal or Camel casing. For example: mynameisfred becomes Camel: myNameIsFred Pascal: MyNameIsFred ...

Regex that matches Camel and Pascal Case

I'm about to write a parser for a language that's supposed to have strict syntactic rules about naming of types, variables and such. For example all classes must be PascalCase, and all variables/parameter names and other identifiers must be camelCase. For example HTMLParser is not allowed and must be named HtmlParser. Any ideas for a r...

Newbie question about PascalCase

ReSharper extension of VS suggest me to use PascalCase in below property. public Color Color { get; private set; } Here Color is Enum type. I would never thought this can be possible because it is same name with type. But it is valid. Is it something suggested by general rules ? Do I have to listen ReSharper always ? Would be apprecia...