
How to add folder to assembly search path at runtime in .NET?

My DLLs are loaded by a third-party application, which we can not customize. My assemblies have to be located in their own folder. I can not put them into GAC (my application has a requirement to be deployed using XCOPY). When the root DLL tries to load resource or type from another DLL (in the same folder), the loading fails (FileNotFou...

Source file organisation

I am having a bit of trouble organising my source files. I have my own small, but growing collection of code that I would like to use in various projects. The file and folder layout is something like this: library\sub1\source.h library\sub1\source.cpp library\sub2\source.h library\sub2\source.cpp One of my problems is that I want t...

OS X - multiple python versions, PATH and /usr/local

If you install multiple versions of python (I currently have the default 2.5, installed 3.0.1 and now installed 2.6.2), it automatically puts stuff in /usr/local, and it also adjusts the path to include the /Library/Frameworks/Python/Versions/theVersion/bin, but whats the point of that when /usr/local is already on the PATH, and all inst...

OS X Ruby on Rails PATH installation problems

Hello, I'm new to OS X and I'm new to Ruby on Rails. I just installed Ruby and Rails and when going through my first tutorial here's what I got: WARNING: Installing to ~/.gem since /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8 and /usr/bin aren't both writable. WARNING: You don't have /Users/sammat/.gem/ruby/1.8/bin in your PATH, gem executabl...

Valid path not so valid in Vista using ParseDisplayName. Why?

In the following code example... where filePath is: "E:\[D]\My Collection" (a folder generated by picasa when it archives media) works okay on XP (32-bit). I recent ran this on vista 64-bit... and ParseDisplayName errors with "Value does not fall within the expected range." All other folders (without the '[D]') work okay. Any help wou...

How to get R to recognize your working directory as its working directory?

I use R under Windows on several machines. I know you can set the working directory from within an R script, like this setwd("C:/Documents and Settings/username/My Documents/x/y/z") ... but then this breaks the portability of the script. It's also annoying to have to reverse all the slashes (since Windows gives you backslashes) Is th...

PHP mkdir( $recursive = true ) skips last directory

I've got the following piece of code on a PHP 5.2.4 (no safe_mode) linux server: mkdir( $path, 0777, true ); when I enter a path like: '/path/to/create/recur/ively/' all directories are created axcept for the last one... when I add another directory like: '/path/to/create/recur/ively/more/' again, all paths are created except ...

transferring to a revised website; how not to experience a drop in seo; use of file paths

i am creating a revised website for a firm that has an existing website. Many of the pages are the same topic and text with a new design. Should i use the same file paths as the prior site to avoid any drop in google or other search engine rankings ...

root path doesnt work with php include .

Hi. / in the beginning of a link to get to the root folder doesnt work in php include. for example "/example/example.php" What is the solution? ...

Optimizing Dijkstra for dense graph?

Is there another way to calculate the shortest path for a near complete graph other than Dijkstra? I have about 8,000 nodes and about 18 million edges. I've gone through the thread "a to b on map" and decided to use Dijkstra. I wrote my script in Perl using the Boost::Graph library. But the result isn't what I expected. It took about 10+...

<input type="file" /> not showing files path

I have a file uploader but it's not showing the files path (so you can only upload files that are in the same folder) How can I make it so show's the files path (desktop/something/yes/dog.swf) ...

Bash - $PATH and ${PATH}

What is the difference between using an environment variable, like PATH, as $PATH or ${PATH}? ...

In Xcode, project settings, how to add relative path?

How it looks? thanks ...

Accessing views with absolute paths on ASP.NET MVC

I'm trying to access a view in this way: return View(@"~\Items\Details.aspx"); and I get this error: The view '~\Items\Details.aspx' or its master could not be found. The following locations were searched: ~\Items\Details.aspx On the ItemsController, in the Details action, returning View() works just fine. Why can't I access t...

How can I combine overlapping path segments to get the full path in Perl?

I'm really not loving Perl but I've got to use it for my current task. Here is my problem... I have three strings, that make up elements of a full directory path (windows, but needs to work on *nix too). For example... $root = "c:\\checkout\\omega"; $client = "abc\\mainline"; $build = "omega\\abc\\mainline\\host\\make"; I want to co...

Reading efficiently PATHs in Vim

How can you open the following PATH by ctrl-w-f to a new window? Path /usr/masi/codes/11 The PATH refers to a file 11.tex. I need to use 11 instead of 11.tex because my LaTeX or pdflatex does not understand PATHs with tex when I input/include the file. Possible solutions are to add something to .vimrc to use perhaps differently p...

How do I find a file that may not be fully-qualified by using the environment path?

I have an executable name, like "cmd.exe" and need to resolve it's fully-qualified path. I know the exe appears in one of the directories listed in the PATH environment variable. Is there a way to resolve the full path without parsing and testing each directory in the PATH variable? basically I don't want to do this: foreach (string ...

in eclipse plugin, how to customize path editor element browse button to open at a given absolute path

Hi I am making a plugin whose Gui is having path editor element. I want to make the browse button such that on clicking it open the directory from a given absolute path. I researched in depth: it seems the path editor.getNewInputObject() is responsible for the setting the filter which set the position in the directory dialog. Please ...

How do I update the MATLAB path?

Sometimes when I add a new file to my path, I have to restart MATLAB or it won't be detected. There must be an other way to this! ...

Python execute program change path

I'm trying to make a python script run another program from its own path. I've got the execution of the other program working using os.system, but the program will crash because it cannot find its reasources (wrong path, I assume). I tried adding the folder harboring the executable to the path, but that didn't help. Any help please? ...