
Pattern Match on a Array Key

Hi. Since I'm finding this site helpful I thought I'd sign up :) I need to get the stock values out of this array: Array ( [stock0] => 1 [stockdate0] => [stock1] => 3 [stockdate1] => apple [stock2] => 2 [ stockdate2] => ) I need to pattern match on this array, where the array key = "stock" + 1 wildcard character. I have tried us...

Pattern matching string prefixes in Haskell

Let's say I want to make a special case for a function that matches strings that start with the character 'Z'. I could easily do it using pattern matching by doing something like the following: myfunc ('Z' : restOfString) = -- do something special myfunc s = -- do the default case here But what if I want to match strings with a longer...

Expression To Test That All Items In Sequence Are The Same

Hi all, Is there a multiple instances pattern in F# somewhere? Consider that I'm working on a list. I have the following pattern matching match l with | [] | [_] -> l //if the list is empty or contains only one item, simply return it | //is there a pattern to test if all of the elements are identical? In other words p...

Regex PHP, pattern matching

Hi i would like to have a regex in php which matches a word in a string but if the word is a link. The problem is that I replace words with links for example: "text" => < a href = "mylink">text< /a>. But sometimes I have the problem that it is replaced twice. So I want to avoid this problem. My pattern now is /text/i. Eg. This is my...

Regex PHP, Match all links with specific text.

Hi, I am looking for a regular expression in PHP which would match the anchor with a specific text on it. E.g I would like to get anchors with text mylink like: <a href="blabla" ... >mylink</a> So it should match all anchors but only if they contain specific text So it should match these strings: <a href="blabla" ... >mylink</a> <a ...

Automatically finding numbering patterns in filenames

Hi all, Intro I work in a facility where we have microscopes. These guys can be asked to generate 4D movies of a sample: they take e.g. 10 pictures at different Z position, then wait a certain amount of time (next timepoint) and take 10 slices again. They can be asked to save a file for each slice, and they use an explicit naming pat...

Erlang Pattern matching with aliases

Hi, is there a possibility to match in a function definition do some subset of a touple and still get get complete touple in the method ? What I would like to do is something like this: myfun({ foo, Bar }: Var) -> otherfunction(Var, stuff). instead of: myfun({ foo, Bar }) -> otherfunction({ foo, Bar }, stuff). I hope this is clear...

There is some way to do this string extraction faster?

I need to extract the virtual host name of a HTTP request. Since this willl be done for every request, I´m searching for the fastest way to do this. The following code and times are just some of the ways I had studied. So, there is some faster way to do this? $hostname = ""; $iteractions = 100000; //While Test $ti...

F# String Pattern-Matching with Wildcards

As part of a project I have assigned myself as a way of improving my knowledge of F# and functional programming in general, I am attempting to write a string pattern-matching algorithm from scratch without using any loops or variables (or regular expressions, or String.Replace and friends). As this is purely a learning project, I'm not i...

Python file manipulation

Assume I have such folders rootfolder | / \ \ 01 02 03 .... | 13_itemname.xml So under my rootfolder, each directory represents a month like 01 02 03 and under these directories I have items with their create hour and item name such as 16_item1.xml, 24_item1.xml etc, as you may guess there are several items an...

Get String That Matches Wildcard in PHP

I need a very specific function in PHP. Basically, I have two strings as arguments, one of which is a pattern that contains wildcards of variable length (*), and one of which is a string that matches that pattern. I need to get an array of the strings from the latter string that fill in the wildcards in the pattern. For example: Arg...

Pattern matching data types in Haskell. Short cuts?

In the following Haskell code, how can this be written more succinctly? Is it necessary to list all four conditions, or can these be summarized by a more compact pattern? For instance, is there a way I can take advantage of Haskell already knowing how to add a float and an int, without having to manually specify fromIntegral? data Sig...

MySQL string match with multiple words

This page has a great example using REGEXP to do pattern matching. the problem with REGEXP won't match the following strings: "Mr John" "Dr. John" or even: "Mr. John Doe" with the string "John Doe" I would like to know how do I get positive matches for any of the given examples? Here is a sample code: Drop table Names; CREATE ...

Is it possible to match with decomposed sequences in F#?

I seem to remember an older version of F# allowing structural decomposition when matching sequences just like lists. Is there a way to use the list syntax while keeping the sequence lazy? I'm hoping to avoid a lot of calls to Seq.head and Seq.skip 1. I'm hoping for something like: let decomposable (xs:seq<'a>) = match xs with |...

Problem in using Sed to remove leading and trailing spaces

Hi all, I am using the following code to remove both leading and tailing spaces from all lines of a file A.txt sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' ./A.txt > ./B.txt The problem occurs on the lines where there is a t in the beginning or at the end. So say for example, the original line that starts with the string "timezone" becomes "imezon...

Getting all mailto links with jQuery

I need a pattern that will traverse the document and get me all links that have mailto in their href: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">text</a> I could of course easily get all a elements ($("a")) and check each href attribute to see if it points to a mailto but I think that jQuery has some form of pattern matching that will allow me to ...

GREP - finding all occurences of a string

Hi all, I am tasked with white labeling an application so that it contains no references to our company, website, etc. The problem I am running into is that I have many different patterns to look for and would like to guarantee that all patterns are removed. Since the application was not developed in-house (entirely) we cannot simply ...

pattern matching an array, not their elements per se

Hi I'm looking for a way of pattern matching the "geometry" of an array, the order in which the elements appear, not the contents of each element directly. Let me outline what I mean by some examples. Given the target array: array('T_STRING','T_VARIABLE','ASSIGN','T_STRING','LPAREN','T_VARIABLE','COMMA','T_VARIABLE','RPAREN'); //as a ...

pattern matching on a series of values in scala

I'm a Scala beginner and this piece of code makes me struggle. Is there a way to do pattern matching to make sure everything i pass to Data is of the correct type? As you can see i have quite strange datatypes... class Data ( val recipient: String, val templateText: String, val templateHtml: String, val blockMaps: Map[String,List[Ma...

Minimum Number of Operations needed.

Hello everyone there... I have a problem, suppose I have a given string: "best", the target string is suppose: "beast". Then I have to determine the number of operations to convert the given string to the target string, however the operations allowed are: 1. add a character to string. 2. delete a character. 3. swap two char positions. (...