
Integrate Eclipse RAP and OSGI/Spring-DM plugins, using Maven for build

The background I have a project containing my domain model and persistence code (created using Spring-ROO). I've changed this into an OSGi bundle, and build & deploy it using Maven (via PAX Construct scripts). This bundle deploys nicely to Equinox, and I can access the various services,etc. I also have a Eclipse RAP plugin/bundle from w...

Error while deploying a web application in OSGI container using pax web

Hello I am trying to deploy a web application in a Felix container. I have all the required configuration done with my web app like the setting up of the manifest headers: Webapp-Context: Bundle-ClassPath: Bundle-Activator: Import-Package: Bundle-SymbolicName: etc The Pax bundles that I have dropped in the same container are: pax-web-se...

maven : getting dependency details (Equinox)

Hello, New to maven and equinox. While going through a tutorial on OSGi, I issued the following commmand. pax-provision which gave the following error. -> Provision bundle [mvn:org.compass-project/compass/2.1.1, at default start level, bundle will be started, bundle will be loaded from the cache] -> Preparing framework [Equin...