Unable to save pbcopy to a new file without opening a text-editor
I tried the following code unsuccessfully cat pbcopy >> newFile How can you save your clipboard to the file newFile without opening a text-editor? ...
I tried the following code unsuccessfully cat pbcopy >> newFile How can you save your clipboard to the file newFile without opening a text-editor? ...
I have tried unsuccessfully to copy the pwd to pbcopy as follows pwd | !pbcopy How can you copy your path in Vim's ED editor (: -mode)? ...
Problem Not solved although one answer was accepted: We are working to get Jonah's code to work. Problem: to change the code of (1) to (2) I know the thread. I want to be able to run the following code inside Screen Code (1) cat ~/.vimrc | pbcopy (1) Code (2) cat ~/.vimrc > /tmp/pbcopy.pipe (2) My at...