
PBKDF2 implementation in C# with Rfc2898DeriveBytes

Guys, I'm trying to implement a PBKDF2 function in C# that creates a WPA Shared key. I've found some here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163913.aspx that seems to produce a valid result, but it's one byte too short... and the wrong PSK value. To test the output, I am comparing it to this: http://www.xs4all.nl/~rjoris/wpaps...

Getting SlowAES and RijndaelManaged class in .NET to play together

Hi, I'm trying to setup AES encryption / decryption using the javascript library SlowAES and the RijndaelManaged class in .NET. I chose this method after reading this post, where Cheeso has managed to get these two encryption methods to play together "In my tests of the COM-wrapped-SlowAEs, I used CBC mode, and the encryption...

PasswordDeriveBytes vs Rfc2898DeriveBytes, Obsolete but way faster

Guys, I'm working on a encryption functionality based on classes inherited from SymmetricAlgorithm such as TripleDes, DES, etc. Basically there're two options to generate consistent key and IV for my algorithm class, PasswordDeriveBytes and Rfc2898DeriveBytes, both inherit from DeriveBytes abstract class. The PasswordDeriveBytes.GetByt...

Is there a standard for using PBKDF2 as a password hash?

Join me in the fight against weak password hashes. A PBKDF2 password hash should contain the salt, the number of iterations, and the hash itself so it's possible to verify later. Is there a standard format, like RFC2307's {SSHA}, for PBKDF2 password hashes? BCRYPT is great but PBKDF2 is easier to implement. Apparently, there's no spec....

Using MD5 to generate an encryption key from password?

I'm writing a simple program for file encryption. Mostly as an academic exercise but possibly for future serious use. All of the heavy lifting is done with third-party libraries, but putting the pieces together in a secure manner is still quite a challenge for the non-cryptographer. Basically, I've got just about everything working the w...


To generate a valid pairwise master key for a WPA2 network a router uses the PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1 algorithm. I understand that the sha1 function is performed 4096 times to derive the PMK, however I have two questions about the process. Excuse the pseudo code. 1) How is the input to the first instance of the SHA1 function formatted? SHA1("...

PBKDF2 in Bouncy Castle C#

I've being messing around the C# Bouncy Castle API to find how to do a PBKDF2 key derivation. I am really clueless right now. I tried reading through the Pkcs5S2ParametersGenerator.cs and PBKDF2Params.cs files but i really cant figure out how to do it. According to the research I have done so far, PBKDF2 requires a string (or char[]) ...