
Sharing precompiled headers between projects in Visual Studio

I have a solution with many Visual C++ projects, all using PCH, but some have particular compiler switches turned on for project-specific needs. Most of these projects share the same set of headers in their respective stdafx.h (STL, boost, etc). I'm wondering if it's possible to share PCH between projects, so that instead of compiling e...

C++ / CLI Precompiled Headers: How do they work?

I'm trying to write a mixed-mode DLL, let's call it 'Client', to replace some unmanaged classes with their managed equivalents. Everything works fine on my personal machine, but when I check the source code in, our build machine won't build the project. It doesn't recognize the Managed classes I'm using from another DLL, called 'Core.' ...

bleeding-edge libraries and precompiled headers sizes

Q1: My GCC precompiled header takes up 150 mb -- yes I'm using obscure TMP libraries from Boost. Anyone have any tips of benefiting from a PCH this large ? any makefile snippets which I could use to create a ram-disk(tmpfs) or something (transparently / on the fly) ? Q2: Is there some way I could daemonize GCC ? -- after all if it stays...

can i use multiple PCH files in 1 project?

I want to use the PCH file to speed up the build, so i store the PCH file in a separate folder and reuse it when build the project later. but I have some #import *.dll in my stdafx.h. so if something changed in the *.dll, the PCH file need be recreated. my question is whether I can use multiple PCH files in 1 project, so that i can put...

Objective-C Xcode: Prefix.pch question?

I have two files independant on each other. Let's just call it Class1 and Class2. In Class1, I need Class2, and in Class2 I need Class1. I have a prefix file where I include all my files, and I get some syntax errors because I do #import "Class1.h" #import "Class2.h" How would I define both of them so they can use each other? What...

iPhone Prefix.pch best practices

I have seen many developers that add various convenience macros to the Prefix.pch of their iPhone project. What do (or don't) you recommend adding to the iPhone Prefix.pch file? What does your Prefix.pch look like? ...

XCode PCH Errors

From what I can tell, this has not been asked before. I am building a cocoa touch static library and I have been going along fine until yesterday, right after I checked the project into SVN, it no longer builds and I have 36 errors in my PCH. This is all my PCH is, and I have found no problems with it in the past: // // Prefix header fo...

Errors Compiling Prefix.pch file, Causing bigger problems

Update 2 I discovered that if I change the "Base SDK" to "iOS Simulator 3.2" (iPad ???) it does not give me this error when doing Build & Analyze... But this is supposed to be an iPhone App. I am running XCode 3.2.4... am I missing something when I create the Project? I am choosing iPhone as the target device, not sure what's going on. ...

Xcode PCH issue - Items in PCH Not Included in Source Files

I just created a "C++ Standard Dynamic" library project using Xcode and compiled using LLVM 2.0. I notice that the PCH file contains the line #include <iostream> but the file Test.cp also includes that #include <iostream> statement. The strange thing is that by removing the statement in Test.cp, the build fails with the error Semantic ...