
Help using preg_match for phone numbers

how would i write an if statement that would find phone numbers and store them to a variable. Here is what i have so far but its not working. if (preg_match('/^(?:(?:\+?1\s*(?:[.-]\s*)?)?(?:\(\s*([2-9]1[02-9]|[2-9][02-8]1|[2-9][02-8][02-9])\s*\)|([2-9]1[02-9]|[2-9][02-8]1|[2-9][02-8][02-9]))\s*(?:[.-]\s*)?)?([2-9]1[02-9]|[2-9][02-9]1|[...

Regex to match anything (including the empty string) except a specific given string.

I'd like to test whether a string contains "Kansas" followed by anything other than " State". Examples: "I am from Kansas" true "Kansas State is great" false "Kansas is a state" true "Kansas Kansas State" true "Kansas State vs Kansas" true "I'm from Kansas State" false "KansasState" true ...

In PHP how do I complete a regex that returns only what was grouped

I want to perform a regex using grouping. I am only interested in the grouping, its all I want returned. Is this possible? $haystack = '<a href="/foo.php">Go To Foo</a>'; $needle = '/href="(.*)">/'; preg_match($needle,$haystack,$matches); print_r($matches); //Outputs //Array ( [0] => href="/foo.php"> [1] => /foo.php ) //I want: //A...

Need Regex for to match special situations

I'm desperately searching for regular expressions that match these scenarios: 1) Match alternating chars I've a string like "This is my foobababababaf string" - and I want to match "babababa" Only thing I know is the length of the fragment to search - I don't know what chars/digits that might be - but they are alternating. I've reall...

PHP regex to search across multiple lines

I'm using preg_* in PHP to search for the pattern <!-- %{data=THIS GETS MATCHED}% --> and pull out the matched text. The pattern for this is: preg_match('#<!-- %{' . $knownString . '\s*=\s*(.*?)}% -->#', ...) What I would like it to do is search across multiple lines for the string. For example: <!-- %{data= THIS GETS MATCHED AND RE...

How do we match any single character including line feed in Perl regular expression?

I would like to use UltraEdit regular expression (perl) to replace the following text with some other text in a bunch of html files: <style type="text/css"> #some-id{} .some-class{} //many other css styles follow </style> I tried to use <style type="text/css">.*</style> but of course it wouldn't match anything because the dot matc...

Regex for recursive "wiki-style" lists

I'm trying to create a Regular Expression to match "wiki style" lists as in (using preg_replace_callback() ): * List Item 1 * List Item 2 *# List Item 2.1 *# List Item 2.2 * List Item 3 Asterisks denote Unordered Lists while Number-Signs denote Ordered Lists. I'm trying to get this so it can match infinite depth and so that...

regular expression breaking on new line

I'm trying to use a regular expression as below: preg_match_all('|<table.*</table>|',$html,$matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); But this is not working, and I think the problem is the new line inside the string $html. Could someone tell me a work around? EDIT: I've realized that it's not right to use regex to parse HTML. Thanks to those who to...

PHP PCRE expression problem - get digits of a string

Hi, I need a regex expression (PCRE) to match a integer number inside a string, being the string like : image89.jpg I've tried many options without success. I'm using preg_replace() by the way My last attempt : preg_replace('(\d+)', '$1', 'image89.jpg'); ...

Has anyone compiled PCRE for Windows x64 - if so, how?

I'm trying to compile PCRE (v8.02) for Windows x64, using Vs2008. The "NON-UNIX-USE" file tells me to use cmake to generate a .sln fle. That works. When I run the build it succeeds, with 91 warnings. All appear to be size conversion warnings. Am I doing something wrong? Should I expect all these warnings? Has anyone else built PCR...

Correct syntax for matching a string inside a variable against an array

Hi, I have a variable, $var, that contains a string of characters, this is a dynamic variable that contains the values from inputs. $var could be 'abc', or $var could be 'blu', I want to match the string inside variable against an array, and return all the matches. $array = array("blue", "red", "green"); What is the correct syntax...

Lighttpd Regular Expressions

I am trying to match any url that has /images/ , /styles/ , or /scripts/ in a lighttpd $HTTP["url"] statement. How could this be done? I am currently using "^/images/" , etc. and it's only working if that directory is in the beginning of the URL. ...

Yet another php ereg fix

I have a small chunk of coding I need to take from ereg to preg_match. Here is the code. function be_file_list($d, $x) { foreach (array_diff(scandir($d), array('.', '..')) as $f) { if (is_file($d . '/' . $f) && (($x) ? ereg($x.'$',$f) : 1)) { $l[] = $f; } } return $l; } This code works as expec...

PCRE (recursive) pattern that matches a string containing a correctly parenthesized substring. Why does this one fail?

Well, there are other ways (hmmm... or rather working ways) to do it, but the question is why does this one fail? / \A # start of the string ( # group 1 (?: # group 2 [^()]* # something other than parentheses (greedy) | # or \( (?1) \) # parenthesized group 1 ) ...

Escaping a String for Use in a preg_ Regular Expression

Is there a canonical function/method for escaping a string to be used in a preg_, such that any special PCRE characters will be interpreted as literal. Basically, a know way to ensure that something like I am a fancy string (well, that guy ... said I was fancy) is transformed into I am a fancy string \(well, that guy \.\.\. said I ...

extract word with regular expression

I have a string 1/temperatoA,2/CelcieusB!23/33/44,55/66/77 and I would like to extract the words temperatoA and CelcieusB. I have this regular expression (\d+/(\w+),?)*! but I only get the match 1/temperatoA,2/CelcieusB! Why? ...

eregi replace replacement

hi, since eregi replace was deprecated on version 5.3 i want to make my program compatible with new version of php http://php.net/manual/en/function.eregi-replace.php so, i'm trying to use preg_replace like this preg_replace(",",'','20,000.00'); but come with error i'm familiar with eregi_replace(',','','20,000.00'); i'm not familia...

string patterns to PCRE conversion code

Hi all, I would like to know, is there a conversion library for converting string patterns to PCRE regular Expression patterns. Sample Patterns: application/ms-tnef ARKADMIN_GET_ 34 ^MAIL FROM|3a| ? 2| Thanks in advance. ...

Named captured substring in pcre++

Hello, I want to capture named substring with the pcre++ library. I know the pcre library has the functionality for this, but pcre++ has not implemented this. This is was I have now (just a simple example): pcrepp::Pcre regex("test (?P<groupName>bla)"); if (regex.search("test bla")) { // Get matched group by name int pos = pc...

ereg to preg conversion

I'm a complete novice when it comes to regex. Could someone help me convert the following expression to preg? ereg('[a-zA-Z0-9]+[[:punct:]]+', $password) An explanation to accompany any solution would be especially useful!!!! ...