
Having links to an included file by LaTeX PdfPages

How can you maintain the links in your pdf fileA which contains links to itself in the fileB which includes FileA? FileA has internal links to itself. I include it to FileB by Pdfpages such that This is in FileB \usepackage[enable-survey]{pdfpages} \usepackage{hyperref} \includepdf[linktodoc=true, link=true]{fileA.pdf} I have tested...

When using pdfpages in LaTeX, how to avoid page breaks before the first page ?

I am creating a large LaTeX document, and my appendix has reproductions of several booklets that I have as PDFs. I am trying to create a section header and then include the pages at a slightly lower scale. For example: \section{Booklet about Yada Yada Yada} \includepdf[pages={-}, frame=true, scale=0.8]{booklet_yadayada.pdf} However, ...

thesis in LaTeX without memoir

Hi, I'm preparing a thesis report in LaTeX. I don't want to use the memoir class as I would like total control. I have two questions: My thesis consists of an introduction and then a series of articles pasted one after the other. Thus each article has its own abstract, introduction, etc... and a bibliography at its end. I understand th...