
Array has more params than PDO prepared statement causes error

If Have to execute several queries. Some of the parameters overlap, some do not. I wanted to create one array containing the data for all the params for all the queries. I figured if the array contains values that the prepared statement does not, it would ignore them but its giving me this error: Invalid parameter number: number of...

PDO BindValue without adding to query!

Im trying to find out the best way to execute these types of queries What I want to do is build a filter type function where i was in an array and the query is constructed! the problem is with PDO before you can bind a value you need to prepare the statement, but if i prepare the statement I cant change the query. Let me show you an e...

PDO connection ID

Hi, is there a way to get s.th. like a connection id of a PDO connection connected to mysql? ...

How to do a SELECT LIKE with PDO Prepare Statement - are value objects of any use here ?

The point is to make a query that will grab values introduced by the user on a input box, and retrieve the database records found trough that keyword comparison. On a innodb engine, so no MATCH AGAINST available correct ? I will use LIKE on a indexed column table, hope it's ok. traditionally we will do: SELECT our_column FROM our_db_t...

Spot the error - Mixing: php data objects (fetch object), json, and jquery.post().

Can anyone better experienced then me, spot the issue here. I'm unable to debug it, my var_dumps don't seem to get any effect due to the use of jquery.post() so I believe. I get nothing displayed. I was expecting to receive a li series filled with json encoded values. The HTML: <div id='data'></div> <form action=""> <input id="nome...

PHP + PDO: Bind null if param is empty

I'm trying this (and all PoST var are treated before user send it, no SQL Injection worries): $stmt = $con->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(":1", $this->getPes_cdpessoa()); $stmt->bindParam(":2", $this->getPdf_nupessoa_def()); When any of those vars are NULL, PDO cries and don't let execute my statement, and on my Table, i DO allow th...

php pdo: bindValue or BindParam doesn't modify the prepared statement.

Hello. Using latest php in order to create a function that adds a row to table user. class targil_db { private $_pdo; public function __construct() { // username: root password: <blank> database: targil $this->_pdo = new PDO( 'mysql:host=;dbname=targil', 'root', ...

sql help getting data from all the followers ? ( like twitter if we follow )

example if i have follow table company one ( cid = 1 ) following two ( cid = 2 ) company one ( cid = 1 ) following three( cid = 3 ) feeds table company one ( cid = 1 ) type 'product' description 'hello ive updated a product'; company two ( cid = 2 ) type 'product' description 'hello ive updated a product im from company 2'; company ...

MODx requires the pdo_mysql driver when native PDO is being used and it does not appear to be loaded.

Hi all I am fairly new to WHM and Linux, my problem is that I am trying to install Modx on my server. I was initially getting the below error Blockquote MODx requires the pdo_mysql driver when native PDO is being used and it does not appear to be loaded MODx requires the pdo driver when native PDO is being used and it does not a...

How can a PHP PDO object figure out if it's already in a MySQL Transaction?

I have two complicated PHP objects, each of which has data in a few MySQL tables. Sometimes, I just need to remove one object A from the database, and that takes 3 SQL statements. Sometimes, I need to remove one object B from the database, which is takes 4 SQL statements, and which also needs to find and remove all of the object A's th...

Change Magento Config to use sockets

Hi, my database config has changed so Magento is not able to connect anymore. The connection before worked but now it seems to need a socket config value... The relevant part in my local.xml config looks like this: <connection> <host><![CDATA[localhost]]></host> <username><![CDATA[username]]></username> <password><![CDATA[pas...

Zend_Db: Prepared statement not processing parameters

I am using Zend_Db with the Pdo_Mysql driver. This query does not give any results: $s = $db->prepare('SELECT ET.id FROM elementTypes AS ET, language AS L1 WHERE L1.strId = ET.dispName AND L1.language = ?'); $s->execute(array(2)); pr($s->fetchAll()); If...

PDO cannot compare mysql ENUM using integers in prepared statements

I am using PDO and prepared statements, but i cannot seem to get any results when comparing an ENUM field with an integer. Example: $db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=****', '***', '***'); $s = $db->prepare('SELECT id FROM t2 WHERE lang = ?'); $s->execute(array('en')); // Works print_r($s->fetchAll()); $s->exec...

PDO: Connecting to different machine, 'Can't connect through socket' Error

I'm trying to connect to a different machine: $this->_connection = new PDO("mysql: host=MYSQL_SERVER; dbname=MYSQL_DATABASE",MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD, array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES utf8")); But PDO barfs: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) ...

PHP: What's the fastest way to query MySQL? Because PDO is painfully slow

I need to perform a simply query. Literally, all I need to perform is: SELECT price, sqft, zipcode FROM homes WHERE home_id = X When I use PHP PDO, which I've read is the recommended way to connect to a MySQL database, simply creating the connection takes a measured 610ms. My code is below: try { $conn_str = DB . ':host=' . DB...

pdo mysql select statement working on one table while it is not working on other

I am having a strange problem. I am using PDO prepared statement. I have two tables with the name of TABLE1 AND TABLE2. TABLE1 is copied from another db with its data. TABLE2 is created using phpmyAdmin, Both Tables are in the same Database. I am running a Select statement using PDO prepare and its working fine on TABLE1 (which is...

MYSQL PDO return type strange conversion

I have the following table definition in MYSQL CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `test_cases` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `exercise_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `author_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `input_1_value` varchar(255) default NULL, `input_2_value` varchar(255) default NULL, `input_3_value` varchar(...

PHP PDO fetch error. rowcount = 1 but fetchall returns false;

i ave been having trouble with a simple select sql query. using php PDO. for some reason the rowcount returns 1 but fetch and fetchall both return false; to me that means the execute failed or the query returned no results which would have a rowcount of 0. my sql syntax as far as i can tell is fine. here is the sql query SELECT * FROM...

Display value of bindParam using PHP PDO

Is there an easy way to echo the value stored in a bound parameter. $sql ="call storedproc(:firstname, :lastname)"; $stmt = $this->DBH->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(':firstname', $fname); $stmt->bindParam(':lastname', $lname); //I want to do this echo $stmt->firstname; $stmt->execute; ...

PHP/PDO: use simple prepared statement with query return/affected rows?

I am new to PDO objects and cannot find a single piece of documentation that will help me. Say I got a simple code to delete a row: $count = $dbh->exec("DELETE FROM fruit WHERE colour = 'red'"); That will return affected rows, but how would I use prepared statements with that? Can use use $dbh->prepare AND $dbh->exec or query !? ...