
Can I prevent long queries in PDO?

Is there any way to make a PDO object throw an error if a query takes too long? I have tried PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT to no effect. I'd like a way to have a query throw an error if it is running for longer than a certain amount of time. This is not something that I can do in the database, ie, no maintenance jobs running on the db or anything...

how safe are PDO prepared statements

Started using PDO prepared statements not too long ago, and, as i understand, it does all the escaping/security for you. for example, assuming $_POST['title'] is a form field. $title = $_POST['title']; $query = "insert into blog(userID, title) values (?, ?)" $st = $sql->prepare($query); $st->bindParam(1, $_SESSION['user']['userID'], PD...

hierarchical category SELECT query in mysql

This is my table: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Category` ( `Name` varchar(25) NOT NULL, `lft` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `rgt` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `CategoryId` int UNSIGNED auto_increment NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`CategoryId`) ) Engine = InnoDb; I have a url that looks like this: products.php?category=5 From the category id I need to re...

Can sqlite load individual tables from individual files?

I've heard that SQLite can do this (to avoid synchronicity issues in heavy traffic scenarios) is this true? If so how would I do this with PDO in PHP? ...

What is the best way to bind decimal / double / float values with PDO in PHP?

It appears the class constants only cover PDO::PARAM_BOOL, PDO::PARAM_INT and PDO::PARAM_STR for binding. Do you just bind decimal / float / double values as strings or is there a better way to treat them? MySQLi allows the 'd' type for double, it's surprising that PDO doesn't have an equivalent when it seems better in so many other way...

Some ORM using PDO?

Hello everyone! I am looking for a good ORM (i.e. Active Record) which use php extension PDO as base.Any suggestions? ...

PDO and nested fetching

Let's say I have something like this: $db=new PDO($dsn); $statement=$db->query('Select * from foo'); while ($result=$statement->fetch()) { //do something with $result } How would I put another query inside of that while loop? Even if I make a new PDOStatement object, it seems that that overwrites the cursor for the topmost PDO s...

Opening SQLite3 as READONLY with PDO?

The SQLite3 Class has an option like this. $db = new SQLite3('mysqlitedb.db', SQLITE3_OPEN_READONLY); In PDO you would simply open with: $db = new PDO('sqlite:mysqlitedb.db'); My question is however, is there a way to open a database with PDO, in READONLY mode? ...

How to use MySQL functions when building a query with Zend/PDO

I'm using Zend Framework with the PDO MySQL adapter and I want to use a function in my insert statement. Basically, the SQL I want to generate is this: INSERT INTO `myTable` (`leftId`, `rightId`, `date`) VALUES ($left, $right, NOW()) This is the code in my Model: $data = array( "leftId" => $left, "rightId" => $right, "dat...

when/where we use PDO?

Hi Guys, I want to know when and where we use PDO's other than simple mysql_connect methods? Is this PDO is faster ? what are the advantages over other methods? ...

Php pdo result of JOIN query

Hello, My problem is I try to do a simple JOIN between two tables, that both have the id field. My result is an stdClass object, as I use PDO. Does anyone know how can I make a difference between the id of the first table and the id of the second table? Code bc. $sql = "SELECT *, FROM products AS p, products_categories as c ...

PDO Query question

I need help finishing this statement. It is frustrating that two of the PHP phone books here gloss over PDO's almost all together. All I need to do is check the database for a username that is already taken. Here is the start of the statement. $sql = " SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid = '$userid'"; $result = $dbh->query($sql); Wh...


In a basic mysql insert you are able to set a password variable 'PASSWORD($password)' but this breaks a PDO statement. How do you hash the password while using pdo::prepare and pdo::execute? $sql= "INSERT INTO contractors (userid, password, name) VALUES ('$userid', '$pass1', '$name')"; $result = $dbh->prepare($sql); $count = $result-...

PDO not reading config correctly

I'm not sure what the problem is here, I've inherited some code form Zend Framework and it's using Propel to make DB Queries. I've changed the config file to have the right values in it, username, password, localhost and dbname however, whenever the site has to make a database call it dies with this message: Error processing connection ...

How do I insert NULL values using PDO?

I'm using this code and I'm beyond frustration: try { $dbh = new PDO('mysql:dbname=' . DB . ';host=' . HOST, USER, PASS); $dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $dbh->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND, "SET NAMES 'utf8'"); } catch(PDOException $e) ...

PDO: check for updated or inserted record using mysql INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE

Using PDO / PHP and MySQL, how can I check if a record was inserted or updated when I use an INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statement? I have seen a solution using mysql_affected_rows() for PHP, but I am looking for a way I can use with PDO. ...

php authentication script

I need the following authentication script finished. I am weak at php/pdo so I do not know how to ask for the number of rows equalling one and then setting the session id's from the results of the query. I need to not only set the $_SESSION['userid'] but also the ['company'] and the ['security_id'] as well from the results. here is wha...

PHP PDO vs normal mysql_connect

Which one should be used php PDO or normal mysql_connect to execute database query through PHP. Which one is faster? One of the big benefits of PDO is that the interface is consistent across multiple databases. There are some cool functions for prepared statements too, which take some of the hassle out of escaping all your query strin...

MySQL query sets field to 0 instead of blank string

This one's puzzling me. I have a MySQL query, being run though PDO: $stmt = $db->prepare( "UPDATE member SET acode='' AND status='active' WHERE username=:u" ); $stmt->bindValue( ':u', $member->username, PDO::PARAM_STR ); $stmt->execute(); The acode field gets set to 0 for some reason. It was created with `acode` varchar(8) NOT NULL ...

PDO do not run same queries twice?

Good day! I'm trying to run the same update statement with the same params twice and it seems that it is not executed in the second case: $update_query = $this->db->connection->prepare('UPDATE `Table SET `field` = :price WHERE (`partnum` = :partnum)'); $update_query->execute(array('price' => 123, 'partnum' => test)); var_dump($update_...