
Rational Performance Tester agent v8.1 on Ubuntu?

Hi there, I need to take a performance test on my Ubuntu-based system. However, I found that Rational Performance Tester Agent (RPT) only supports for commercial Linux products such as SuSE and Redhat. So, have any guy here experience with RPT agent installation on Ubuntu (deb package based)? Thanks. ...

Maven Chronos JMeter plugin

Has any one used Chronos for JMeter + Maven plug-in. I am having tough time trying Maven JMeter plug-in and thought of giving it a try I have following pom set up for chronos but when I execute "mvn verify " I encounter following exception - # Maven cannot calculate your build plan, given the following information: Tasks: - verify C...

How to measure the time an application takes to start up in C#?

I have an GUI application that takes a while to load all its plugins, before it is ready to be used by the user. I want to write a C# program that would measure the time taken for this application to start up. I thought the Process.WaitForInputIdle() method would do the trick, but it doesn't. It exits as soon as the process is started. ...

Maven Chronos plugin

I have a problem with Maven Chronos plugin. Is it possible to tell plugin a mask for name of jmx files to execute? Thx ...

Silverlight performance testing

Hello, Can anybody recommend me a tool or an approach to measure the performance of silverlight object inside of Internet Explorer object? An approximate test scenario is Start Timer; Open the page, Wait until the silverlight object raise an event (for ex. OnDisplayed()); Stop Timer; OR Start Timer; Open the page, Wait until the si...