
Perl::Critic: Life after Moose?

I've started a conversion of a project to Moose and the first thing I noticed was that my critic/tidy tests go to hell. Moose, Tidy and Critic don't seem to like each each other as much as they used to. Are there docs anywhere on how to make critic/tidy be more appreciative if the Moose dialect? What do most Moose users do? Relax/ditch ...

Can I use perltidy's HTML formatter in my automated Perl build?

I'm using Module::Build to perform build, test, testpod, html, & install actions on my Perl module that I'm developing. The HTML files that are generated are okay, but I'd be much happier if I could somehow configure Module::Build to use the perltidy -html formatting utility instead of its own HTML formatter. Anyone know of a way I c...

How can we catch side comments using Perl::Tidy or Perl::Critic?

My department is currently settling on some general code best practices, which we would like to somewhat enforce, providing developers with Perl::Tidy and Perl::Critic configurations. Now we are having problems with side comments. The side comment is this: my $counter = 0; # Reset counter We would prefer to not have side comments at...

How can I set the encoding of shell-command-on-region output?

I have a small elisp script which applies Perl::Tidy on region or whole file. For reference, here's the script (borrowed from EmacsWiki): (defun perltidy-command(start end) "The perltidy command we pass markers to." (shell-command-on-region start end "perltidy" t ...

How can perltidy align the opening parenthesis for method arguments?

Hi, is there a possibility to make perltidy vertically align brackets like this: $foo->bar (1); $foo->bat (2); $foo->bac (3); $foo->bad (4); $foo->bae (5); $foo->baf ...

How can I prevent PerlTidy from aligning my assignments?

By default, PerlTidy will line up assignments in my code. E.g. PerlTidy changes this... my $red = 1; my $green = 2; my $yellow = 3; my $cyan = 4; ...into this... my $red = 1; my $green = 2; my $yellow = 3; my $cyan = 4; How do I prevent this from happening? I've trawled the manual but I can't find a solution. Thanks! ...

Which is the closest Python equivalent to Perl::Tidy?

Coming from Perl I've been used to hitting C-c t to reformat my code according to pre-defined Perl::Tidy rules. Now, with Python I'm astonished to learn that there is nothing that even remotely resembles the power of Perl::Tidy. PythonTidy 1.20 looks almost appropriate, but barfed at first mis-aligned line ("unexpected indent"). In part...

How can I make perltidy work with Method::Signatures?

I'm using Eclipse combined with EPIC to write my Perl code. I configured EPIC to use Perltidy with "-pbp" (perl best practices style) to format my code. This doesn't work well when using Method::Signatures' named parameters. E.g., func (:$arg1, : $arg2) is formatted as func (: $arg1, : $arg2) which yields an error. Also, func keyword i...

How can I automatically tidy up Perl source code?

A cat at my company walked over a keyboard and has left a valid 1000+ line of executable Perl code for me to maintain. Thanks to Perl's TMTOWTDI philosophy I find myself searching Google to make sense of every line of code she has produced. To add to my misery the code is not indented and one find frequent occurrence of the two stateme...

Does CVS allow modification of a committed file within a pre-commit hook?

I want to run all Perl files through Perltidy automatically on each commit, so that all submitted code meets a shared formatting standard. The commitinfo pre-commit hook provides information about the committed files, allowing me to perform logging/notification, but I don't see a way to change the file before it hits the repository. Th...