
How can I select multiple rows using parameters from an array in Perl's DBI module?

I am required to pull out rows corresponding to column name. The rows being pulled out correspond to address in array @values. Following is my code: use strict; use DBI; open (FH, "/user/address") or die $!; my@values=<FH>; close(FH); my @names; my $query = "Select name from table where address = ?"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $query ) ...

How can I add characters at the beginning and end of every non-empty line in Perl?

I would like to use this: perl -pi -e 's/^(.*)$/\"$1\",/g' /path/to/your/file for adding " at beginning of line and ", at end of each line in text file. The problem is that some lines are just empty lines and I don't want these to be altered. Any ideas how to modify above code or maybe do it completely differently? ...

How do I detect if a program is running within a PAR archive?

I'm working on a large Perl application which gets bundled with PAR, along with a bunch of support files. When the app is running within PAR, I can use PAR::read_file to get at these various files inside the archive. However, while I'm developing, I don't want to have to re-PAR the whole application every time I tweak some code. Is the...

How can I read all of the lines between two lines in a file, using Perl?

I have one file where the contents looks like: pch rch channel cap nch kappa . . . kary ban .... Now I want to read my file from nch to kary and copying those lines only in some other file. How can I do this in Perl? ...

How can I connect to a remote machine via TCP and UDP with Perl?

I have a script that runs on a server and I want it now to send messages to my PC. I want to send TCP or UDP messages to some port. What is the best way to do this (a tutorial will be great)? And is there some client program that I can run on my PC that will listen to a local port for the messages? ...

How do I create a cyclic graph of immutable objects in Perl and Moose?

This could seem like an obviously hopeless case, but is there a trick to create a cyclic graph of immutable objects in Perl? Something like this: package Node; use Moose; has [qw/parent child/] => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Node'); package main; my $a = Node->new; my $b = Node->new(parent => $a); Now if I wanted $a->child to point to $b, w...

How can I run Perl test suite automatically when files change?

Hello! Is there a tool that would watch file changes in a directory tree of a Perl application and re-run the test suite every time I save changes to some module? Something akin to masak’s tote. ...

How can I control a Windows GUI application from Perl?

I have a Win32 GUI proccess. Is there any way to control the GUI proccess input within another process (application built in Perl)? the user have a scanning system i want to identify when the keys dispatched by the scanning system check them if they are digits and then suffix them with \n character then send them to the GUI application? ...

Moose: Expiring cached results of calculations when attribute values change?

In our classes we have a pattern where we create an attribute to represent a calculated value. For obvious reasons we want to cache the calculated value and then invalidate the cache when one of the underlying values change. So we currently have this: package FooBar; use Moose; has 'foo' => ( accessor => { 'foo' ...

Is there something like Perl's Win32::FileNotify for Linux or OS X?

I've been using Win32::FileNotify on Windows, and I was curious to know if there were something similar for Linux and OS X. I haven't been able to find such a module using Google. Does anyone here know of such a thing? ...

How do I toggle printing to STDOUT/STDERR dynamically in Perl?

I'm curious if I can toggle between printing to STDOUT or STDERR based on some value or inline expression (without using an if statement). print ($someFlag ? STDOUT : STDERR) "hello world!" Obviously, that syntax doesn't work. ...

Perl regex replacement string special variable

I'm aware of the match, prematch, and postmatch predefined variables. I'm wondering if there is something similar for the evaluated replacement part of the s/// operator. This would be particularly useful in dynamic expressions so they don't have to be evaluated a 2nd time. For example, I currently have %regexs which is a hash of vari...

How can I determine the download speed and amount from LWP::Simple's getstore()?

When using the perl module LWP::Simple, is there a simple way to determine the speed and amount downloaded by a single getstore() invocation? This would be useful for observing the status of large file downloads. Off the top of my head, one approach would be to: store the current time (time0) run getstore in a new process poll the kn...

How do I send email with Perl?

Possible Duplicate: What is the best Perl module for sending email? Hello I need to send mail via my script , using some web mail service. Not SSL one ,having problems with that thing here . Is there some module that you can recommend ? Some example will help also. Thanks. ...

How do I install Email::Send::Gmail for ActivePerl?

I am trying to install that module for mail sending . And i am getting following errors : Warning: Prerequisite 'IO::Socket::SSL => ' for 'CWEST/Net-SMTP-SSL-1.01.tar.gz' failed when processing 'SULLR/IO-Socket-SSL-1.31.tar.gz' with 'make_test => NO' . Continuing, but chances to succeed are limited. cp lib/Net/SMTP/ blib\lib\Net...

Looking for a replacement for NMS

I have a simple contact form that I knocked up in a few minutes using NMS But the customer has requested that I have a second email address entry field, and validation that kicks them back if the two addresses are different. I could add the validation to, but before I do, I thought I'd ask if there is a better ...

How do I create a dispatch table in Perl with key contain whitespace and the subroutine accepting an array parameter?

Here's my current thinking, but I dont know how to dispatch/execute it my $key; my @arraydata; my %commandfunc{ "ab 1", \ foreach $k (keys %commandfunc){ if($something =~ /$k/){ #if $something match with a key string $key= $k; #some processing arraydata here; } } #dispatching?? my $command = $commandfunc{$key}-...

Redirecting CGI error output from STDERR to a file (python AND perl)

I'm moving a website to Hostmonster and asked where the server log is located so I can automatically scan it for CGI errors. I was told, "We're sorry, but we do not have cgi errors go to any files that you have access to." For organizational reasons I'm stuck with Hostmonster and this awful policy, so as a workaround I thought maybe I'd...

How do I handle a multiple select form field in Perl?

What is the best, in Perl, way to get the selected values of a multiple select form field? <select name="mult" multiple="multiple"> <option value="1">Opt. 1</option> <option value="2">Opt. 2</option> <!-- selected --> <option value="3">Opt. 3</option> <option value="4">Opt. 4</option> <!-- selected --> <option value="5">...

How do I get a hash slice from a hash of hashes?

I have a hash like so: my %h = ( a => { one => 1, two => 2 }, b => { three => 3, four => 4 }, c => { five => 5, six => 6 } ); print join(',', @{$h{a}{qw/one two/}}); The error I get is: Can't use an undefined value as a...