It's my understanding that there's no "bridge" between Ruby and Perl to let you call into Perl functions directly from Ruby. It's also my understanding that to call a Perl program from Ruby, you simply put it in backticks(i.e. result = `./`). However, this doesn't allow interaction with the Perl program(i.e. you can't intera...
i am trying to genarate XML from xsd using perl
can anyone guide me in right direction
thank you
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
<xsd:element name="books" type="bks:BooksForm"/>
<xsd:complexType name="BooksForm">
I need the to convert the input address to specified format
my $file_path ="\\\\a\t\temp\L\\";
#---- Help in this regex
$file_path =~ s//\//\/gi;
#---- Output format needed
#$file_path ="\\\a\t\temp\L\";
printf $file_path;
How can I print a address string without making Perl take the slashes as escape characters? I don't want to alter the string by adding more escape characters also.
I use Dreamweaver as my editor of choice for web development, and often find old projects have a few Perl files.
For some reson the Dreamweaver find and replace dialog does not seem to recognise these Perl files e.g. .pl or .cgi as searchable files, so when I use the "find in folder" on a folder I know contains only Perl files it retur...
Looking for some insight on how to add multiple PM files to the MakeMaker script?
I see this documentation and all the examples look like one file is added, how do I add multiple files?
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
NAME => 'Your::Module',
VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Your/'
Do I just add another set of values?
The project I recently joined abstracts logic into code and database elements. Business logic like xPaths, regular expressions and function names are entered in the database, while general code like reading files, creating xml from xpaths, etc are in the code base.
Most (if not all) of the methods that use regular expressions are struct...
need help with this. Basically, our web server A (apache/perl) has to send an XML to some external server B (IIS/.NET) using POST with xml as its body. The company which owns server B provided us with their own .NET tool that takes XML file and POSTs it to B and then displays B's response.
The problem is that their tool works. But ...
Do I have to run make and make install each time I change a .pm file for Perl? I'm doing a ton of testing and this is becoming cumbersome.
I am using Perl's KinoSearch module to index a bunch of text.
Some of the text has numeric fields associated with each word. For example, the word "Pizza" in the index may have a dollar field value like "5.50" (dollars).
How can I write a query in KinoSearch that will find all words that have a dollar value greater than 5?
I'm not e...
A couple of years back I participated in writing the best practices/coding style for our (fairly large and often Perl-using) company. It was done by a committee of "senior" Perl developers.
As anything done by consensus, it had parts which everyone disagreed with. Duh.
The part that rubbed wrong the most was a strong recommendation to...
Inspired by the original thread and the up and coming clones, here's one for the Perl community.
What are questions a good Perl programmer should be able to respond to?
I would like to use cygwin tools (screen) for development and invoking ActiveState Perl debugger from cygwin environment throws the following error.
bash-3.2$ perl -d
The system cannot find the path specified.
Unable to get Terminal Size. The Win32 GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo call didn't work. The COLUMNS and LINES environment va...
Possible Duplicate:
Running Active State Perl command-line debugger from cygwin
I would like to use cygwin tools (screen..) for development and invoking ActiveState Perl debugger from cygwin environment throws the following error.
bash-3.2$ perl -d
The system cannot find the path specified.
Unable to get Terminal Size. ...
I have been considering adding threaded procedures to my application to speed up execution, but the problem is that I honestly have no idea how to use threads, or what is considered "thread safe". For example, how does a game engine utilize threads in its rendering processes, or in what contexts would threads only be considered nothing b...
I have a directory hierarchy with a bunch of files. Some of the directories start with a ..
I want to copy the hierarchy somewhere else, leaving out all files and dirs that start with a .
How can one do that?
I'm trying to create what should be a simple little sub in Perl that preferably does not use any modules not found in the standard RedHat linux distribution. In other words the more portable the better because I cannot always control which system environment I'm working in. The obvious problem is passing the variables to the subroutine s...
This is my first post on SO, so be gentle. I'm not even sure if this belongs here, but here goes.
I want to access some information on one of my personal accounts. The website is poorly written and requires me to manually input the date I want the information for. It is truly a pain. I have been looking for an excuse to learn more Perl ...
I want to create a custom Apache2 log handler, and the template that is found on the apache site is:
package MyApache2::LogPerUser;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Apache2::RequestRec ();
use Apache2::Connection ();
use Fcntl qw(:flock);
use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);
I need to determine if a Perl hash has a given key, but that key will be mapped to an undef value. Specifically, the motivation for this is seeing if boolean flags while using getopt() with a hash reference passed into it. I've already searched both this site and google, and exists() and defined() don't seem to be applicable for the si...