
Can Persistence Ignorance Scale?

I've been having a brief look at NHibernate and Linq2Sql. I'm also intending to have a peek at Entity Framework. The question that gets raised, when I talk of these ORM's is "They can't scale", so can they? From Google I get the impression they're able to scale well, but ultimately I suppose there must be a price to pay, Is it worth pay...

What are the benefits of Persistence Ignorance?

Hi, I am a newbie in the DDD+TDD World. But I have been in programming for almost 9 years. Can someone please explain me the benefits of persistance ignornace ? Typical nHibernate application just pushes the dependency between class and database to mapping files. If I change Class files or Database, I have to change the mapping files....

Persistance Ignorance Linq to SQL

I have an existing domain layer. I want to develop the persistence layer using Linq to SQL. I am currently using an external map file. I am trying to use lazy loading for my child collections but am unsuccessful. Is there a way to implement lazy loading using Linq to SQL but without using EntitySet or EntityRef. ...

What design pattern to locate my IUnitOfWork?

I've implemented a repository pattern with persistence ignorance. The repository implementation only interacts with my entity objects, IUnitOfWork and ITable<T> interfaces. The intention is that the IUnitOfWork isn't reused but represents a single transaction. So far, I've implemented in-memory as well as Linq-to-Sql versions of the IUni...

NHibernate ITransaction and pure domain model

I'm trying to write my Domain Model as persistence-ignorant as possible. The only thing I'm doing right now is marking every property and method virtual, as NHibernate requires that for lazy-loading. In my domain model assembly I define some repository interfaces: public interface IRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : EntityBase { T...

What exactly is "persistence ignorance"?

Persistence ignorance is typically defined as the ability to persist & retrieve standard .NET objects (or POCOs if you really insist on giving them a name). And a seemingly well accepted definition of a standard .NET object is: "...ordinary classes where you focus on the business problem at hand without adding stuff for infrastructur...

DDD: Persisting aggregates

Hello, Let's consider the typical Order and OrderItem example. Assuming that OrderItem is part of the Order Aggregate, it an only be added via Order. So, to add a new OrderItem to an Order, we have to load the entire Aggregate via Repository, add a new item to the Order object and persist the entire Aggregate again. This seems to hav...

Efficiently Determine if EF 4 POCO Already in ObjectSet

I'm trying EF 4 with POCO's on a small project for the first time. In my Repository implementation, I want to provide a method AddOrUpdate that will add a passed-in POCO to the repository if it's new, else do nothing (as the updated POCO will be saved when SaveChanges is called). My first thought was to do this: public void AddOrUpdat...