
is it possible to write a program which prints its own source code utilizing a "sequence-generating-function"

is it possible to write a program which prints its own source code utilizing a "sequence-generating-function"? what i call a sequence-generating-function is simply a function which returns a value out of a specific interval (i.e. printable ascii-charecters (32-126)). the point now is, that this generated sequence should be the programs ...

Question about the responsibility of a ViewModel.

I am building a tool which goal is to download a file based on a few parameters. First step is to set (or retrieve) those parameters. The different parameters sets are retrieved (let's say via configuration files) by a FileDownloadsManager : it knows exactly which parameters to use in order to download the right file. those parameters...

What is the philosophy of managing memory in C++ ??

Apologies for the vast scope of question. But what is the design factor in managing memory in C++? For example: why is there a memory leak when a program does not release a memory object before it exits? Isn't a good programming language design supposed to maintain a "foo-table" that takes care of this situation ? I know I am being a bi...

Debug in the end or debug as you go?

Ok, iv'e got another philosophical programming question. When do you debug your code? Do you debug as you go before you add in additional features or do you debug your code at the end of some cycle? Do you debug only when it's stopping you from moving forward with something? Also how does this cycle into cleaning up and writing betters v...