
Gettext: Translation of strings with HTML inside?

My current implementation, which is array based stores keys and values in a dictionary, example: $arr = array( 'message' => 'Paste a <a href=""&gt;flickr&lt;/a&gt; URL below.', ); I realize that it was probably a bad idea storing html inside of a string such as this, but if I'm using gettext then in my .mo/.po fi...

What is bindtextdomain, textdomain in gettext?

I've been learning a bit of gettext but I can't grasp those two functions. I've been wondering if I could use multiple translations in a APP written in PHP. For an instance, I've 1) the system translation 2) extensions translations 3) theme translations to divide those in different files. My question is, if I load the system translation,...

Online editing gettext files?

Online editing gettext files, is it possible? I use gettext for all my PHP projects, but sides with a minor problem, want to mine user may translate my language from as Danish to Norwegian, but in this case it enste I know is that I need to export my file from Poedit there is any. other software that can export / import my files? for Po...

Gettext (i18n) and Smarty running erraticly

I'm developing a webapp with PHP and Smarty. I use gettext to internationalize, but I've a problem: it only works sometimes, absolutly randomly. I load a locale ('de_DE', by example) with putenv+setlocale+bindtextdomain+textdomain, reload the page, and see "Search"; reload again and I see "Suche"; two more reloads and get "Suche" but thi...