
phpBB automated email notifications to all memebers regarding all posts.

While I search this one out on my own, may be some one could provide quick answer. Thank you so much in advance. So i really enjoy google groups and how every member receives notification about all new things that happen in the group. All new topics, old topics, added replies and so on. But we need our own forum, so my group went with p...

Help! Displaying phpbb3 Recent posts from SQlite 2 Database

Hi All, I need help fast, instead of using mySQL my phpbb3 forum uses SQlite 2, a normal "database.db file that was manually created from a notepad.txt file then populated by phpbb3" I need help Accessing the data within that SQlite 2 database instead of MySQL. when I run this Script I get echo: Recent Posts (located on line3) but nothi...

phpBB: PHP code to automate forum post and private message sending

I have a phpBB forum and would like to write an external class which can be used to send private messages to some of the users of the forum. Also, I'd like to automate the process of sending a post on the forum since some automatic notifications can thus be included in it. Something along the lines: PhpbbControl::sendPM(Integer $from_...