
How to document a method that modifies a protected attribute with phpdoc?

Hello there, What's the best way to document a method that modifies a protected attribute with phpdoc? For instance, what is the correct way of documenting the setVar() method below? class Test { protected $variables = array(); public function setVar($name, $value) { $this->$variables[$name] = $value; } } Thanks in advanc...

Loading models for autocompletion using PHPDoc @property

Hello all I am using Codeigniter framework for PHP. I was wondering if there is a way to load methods in a Model for autocompletion using PHPDoc @property. What I mean is .... class abc_controller extends Controller { /** * @property Model1 */ function func() { $this->load->model("Model1"); // I am loading the model he...

Doxygen documentation - how to filter method by annotation (e.g. @api)

We are currently using Doxygen to generate the API. We have put all around the framework annotation as "@api" to tell the developer is allowed to rely on this method since their name won't change. /** * method description * * @api */ function foo() {...} I am looking for a way to only include the methods with these @api annota...

PHPDoc annotation for tri-state bool return value.

I've got a function, which (for example) returns true if access is allowed, false when access is denied, and NULL when access is indeterminate. What should the @return phpdoc be? bool doesn't seem to make sense... ...

phpDoc class constants documentation

Hi, which is the correct way to document class constants for phpDoc? I've read the manual but i can't find anything about them ...

PhpDoc - how do you document implicit input parameters, such as $_SESSION?

I just wondered what others do. If a function relies on $_SESSION['some_var'] then the header comment out to make that clear. How do you do it? Just as text, or what? Or even @param ? Edit: it looks like we settled on @uses ... but what if the fn() "returns" a $_SESSION variable? What if it "returns" multiple $_SESSION variables? ...

phpDocumentor: document only classes

I'm trying to learn about phpDocumentor. I usually put a classe per file. Am I forced to document file and classes? I want to document just classes (Why should i document files?) but i receive warnings... WARNING in comment.class.php on line 8: DocBlock would be page-level, but precedes class "Comment", use another DocBlock to document ...

Is there software/a script that can automatically create class structures for PHP scripts?

I know that PHPDoc exists, but phpdoc wants you to put comments in your PHP files so that it can parse them... What I want is something different: Suppose that I have 10 PHP classes... all I want is a script that can read those classes and automatically generate a representation of those class structures, i.e. what classes are in them, ...

PHPDoc custom sections and grouping

I am in the process of implementing an event dispatching system based in our application using the Symfony Event Dispatcher. A range of modules will be can be enabled or enabled by administrators and a central registry will automatically register the events that a plugin is interested in and handle the dispatching of events. We current...

How to update comment block in front of methods in Netbeans?

I know this is not programming related question so to speak, but since we are programmers and we might use Netbeans for PHP development. I am wondering how can I get in Netbeans to update the comment block in front of a method, after I change the parameter set. I need to update it someway automatically, and to keep what I've been added ...

Bring PHPdoc to include CakePHP .ctp files

Hello. I'm documenting my CakePHP app using PHPdocumentor. As you might know, after CakePHP convention, the views are contained in .ctp files (e.g. app/views/addresses/index.ctp), which are basically normal PHP files just with a changed file extension. PHPdocumentor only recognizes .php files, and I cannot find an option in the config fi...