
Best way to use PL/SQL Pacakge Cursors from Pro*C

I have a cursor defined in PL/SQL, and I am wondering what the best way to use it from Pro*C is. Normally for a cursor defined in Pro*C you would do: EXEC SQL DECLARE curs CURSOR FOR SELECT 1 FROM DUAL; EXEC SQL OPEN curs; EXEC SQL FETCH curs INTO :foo; EXEC SQL CLOSE cusr; I was hoping that the same (or similar) syntax would work for...

PL-SQL - Two statements with begin and end, run fine seperately but not together?

Hi all, Just wondering if anyone can help with this, I have two PLSQL statements for altering tables (adding extra fields) and they are as follows: -- Make GC_NAB field for Next Action By Dropdown begin if 'VARCHAR2' = 'NUMBER' and length('VARCHAR2')>0 and length('')>0 then execute immediate 'alter table "SERVICEMAIL6"."ETD_GUESTCAR...

how to implement multivalued attribute in oracle ?

I want to store more than one Email IDs in the Email id column of a table, as a multivalued attribute. How can I do this in oracle? ...

how to return comma seperated values in oracle SP

If I have a simple query like: OPEN cursor FOR SELECT USER_ID FROM USER_TABLE WHERE USER_ID = V_SOME_USER; this will return records in different rows but how can I return the rows in the following format: 'userid1', 'userid2', 'userid3'.....'useridN' I want to do this because I want to send this off as a parameter to another store...

fetch only first row from oracle - is it faster?

My main goal with this question is optimization and faster run time. After doing lot of processing in the Stored Proc I finally return a count like below: OPEN cv_1 FOR SELECT COUNT(*) num_of_members FROM HOUSEHOLD_MEMBER a, HOUSEHOLD b WHERE RTRIM(LTRIM(a.mbr_...

how to use oracle package to get rid of Global Temp table

I have a sample query like below: INSERT INTO my_gtt_1 (fname, lname) (select fname, lname from users) In my effort to getting rid of temporary tables I created a package: create or replace package fname_lname AS Type fname_lname_rec_type is record ( fname varchar(10), lname varchar(10) ); fname_lname_rec fname_lname_rec_type Type...

oracle collection not enough values

I did following: create or replace type my_row as object ( lname varchar2(30), fname varchar2(30), MI char(1), hohSSN char (9), hohname VARCHAR2(63), hohDob char(10), dob DATE ); create or replace type eiv.my_rec as table of eiv.my_row; but then doing query like: my_records my_rec sele...

confusion about using types instead of gtts in oracle

I am trying to convert queries like below to types so that I won't have to use GTT: insert into my_gtt_table_1 (house, lname, fname, MI, fullname, dob) (select house, lname, fname, MI, fullname, dob from (select 'REG' house, mbr_last_name lname, mbr_first_name fname, mbr_mi MI, mbr_first_name || mbr_mi || mbr_last_name fullnam...

can oracle types be updated like tables?

I am converting GTT's to oracle types as explained in an excellent answer by APC. however, some GTT's are being updated based on a select query from another table. For example: UPDATE my_gtt_1 c SET (street, city, STATE, zip) = (SELECT src.unit_address, src.unit_city, ...

Getting "too many rows" error inside a "for" cursor loop

I have a trigger that contains two cursors loops, one nested inside the other like this: FOR outer_rec IN outer_cursor LOOP FOR inner_rec IN inner_cursor LOOP -- Do some calculations END LOOP; END LOOP; Somewhere in this it is throwing the following error: ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows ...

How do I unwrap PLSQL?

How do I unwrap PLSQL functions/procedures written in Oracle 9.2? ...

How to prevent "parameter PLSQL_DEBUG is deprecated" compiler warning in Oracle SQL Developer

When I execute a package body DDL statement SQL Developer warns, Warning: PLW-06015: parameter PLSQL_DEBUG is deprecated; use PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL=1 How can SQL Developer be configured to not use PLSQL_DEBUG? PLSQL_DEBUG is set to false in an sql*plus session using the same connection details, > show parameters plsql NAME ...

Table choosing algorithm

Below I'm using simple example, real tables are bigger, I cannot store devices in one table, I can not merge device1 and device2 tables. I have three tables: device1, device2, computer(device3), device1 and device2 have id from the same sequence, device3 is computer. Table device3 can be connected with device1 and device2 (many-to-many)...

Good way to deal with comma seperated values in oracle

I am getting passed comma seperated values to a stored procedure in oracle. I want to treat these values as a table so that I can use them in a query like: select * from tabl_a where column_b in (<csv values passed in>) What is the best way to do this in 11g? Right now we are looping through these one by one and inserting them into ...

Querying Postgresql with a very large result set

In an application I need to query a Postgres DB where I expect tens or even hundreds of millions of rows in the result set. I might do this query once a day, or even more frequently. The query itself is relatively simple, although may involve a few JOINs. My question is: How smart is Postgres with respect to avoiding having to seek ar...

comma separated values in oracle function body

I've got following oracle function but it does not work and errors out. I used Ask Tom's way to convert comma separated values to be used in select * from table1 where col1 in <> declared in package header: TYPE myTableType IS table of varchar2 (255); Part of package body: l_string long default iv_value_with_comma_separated|...

How to escape <, >, and & characters to html entities in Oracle PL/SQL

Hi, I need to send HTML emails directly from oracle PL/SQL package. This works almost fine. I have problem with the fact that some of the data fetched from a table contain things like <S>, <L>, and similar fragments, which sometimes ar treated as HTML tags, and even if not, they are always ignored and never displayed. So, I need to e...

how to use found_rows in oracle package to avoid two queries

I made a package which I can use like this: select * from table(my_package.my_function(99, 'something, something2', 1, 50)) I make use of the package in a stored procedure. Sample stored procedure looks like: insert into something values(...) from (select * from table(my_package.my_function(99, 'something, something2', 1, 50))) a o...

Is it appropriate to raise exceptions in stored procedures that wrap around CRUD operations, when the number of rows affected != 1?

This is a pretty specific question, albeit possibly subjective, but I've been using this pattern very frequently while not seeing others use it very often. Am I missing out on something or being too paranoid? I wrap all my UPDATE,DELETE,INSERT operations in stored procedures, and only give EXECUTE on my package and SELECT on my tables,...

PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "end-of-file" in simple update block

Hello, The following Oracle statement: DECLARE ID NUMBER; BEGIN UPDATE myusername.terrainMap SET playerID = :playerID,tileLayout = :tileLayout WHERE ID = :ID END; Gives me the following error: ORA-06550: line 6, column 15: PL/SQL: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended ORA-06550: line 3, column 19: PL/SQL: SQL Statemen...