
PocketC GUI Code Examples

I'm using PocketC on my Windows CE device, but I want to know where I can find some code examples of GUIs, because I don't know where to get help on this point. Also, I have some specify questions: How to create Buttons, ListBoxes...? What are the controls supported? How to create menus? ...

Get PocketC File Handle Int?

I'm now taking a look at the PocketC powerful tool, but there is an fileopen function, that generates a integer called filehandle, that is used for most of the File I/O operations of PocketC. How do I use this int filehandle to call the other file manipulation functions? Here is my example function that I'm using at my program: fileope...

Getting Error When Opening Files

I'm developing a simple Text Editor to understand better PocketC language, then I've done this: #include "\\Storage Card\\My Documents\\PocketC\\Parrot\\defines.pc" int filehandle; int file_len; string file_mode; initComponents() { createctrl("EDIT", "test", 2, 1, 0, 24, 70, 25, TEXTBOX); wndshow(TEXTBOX, SW_SHOW); guigetf...

EDIT Control Showing Squares Instead Of Returns

I'm playing a little bit with PocketC by doing a simple text editor. But with this code to read and to display the contents of the file on the EDIT control: int filehandle; int file_len; string file_mode; initComponents() { createctrl("EDIT", "test", 2, 1, 0, 24, 70, 25, TEXTBOX); wndshow(TEXTBOX, SW_SHOW); guigetfocus(); }...