
What are the top 10 best podcasts for developers?

I listen to podcasts quite a bit. Two of the best that I listen to are: Python411 StackOverFlow What are the other 8 essential podcasts that I need to be listening too? ...

Feeds and podcasts for the vim text editor?

Vimcasts is fantastic, and I want more educational, vim-related feeds and podcasts but am having trouble finding any more quality ones. There must be more out there! Please list your favorite vim-related XML feeds and podcasts. ...

Most memorable programming videos/podcasts

As a programmer, which videos, podcasts, presentatations do you think are a must watch? I was watching Doug Crockford's lectures on Javascript and wanted to know what else have I missed!!! List out only the very best that you remember (Don't mention incidents, like launch of Windows or Macs just because they're videos. I'm looking for c...